Ch. 22 Up In Flames

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"Now give me a proper kiss Clary."

This caught everyone's attention really quick. If whiplash were a disease, the entire team would have already gotten it. Clarissa wished she could just disappear. Pan quickly stepped towards her. Acting quickly, she stumbled back and regained her position.



"Did I stutter?"

"You got fire love, I like fire."

"Remember this Pan, I said it before and I said it again, when fire meets gasoline, it's dangerous."

"Well you give me no choice."

He disappeared for a moment, earning a sigh from everyone. But soon did he surprise them by Clarissa battle cry. She cried out as she felt Pans hand inside her chest. Pulling out her heart. Clarissa eyes widen in fear. Without her heart, she wouldn't be the same. She felt empty, almost a ghostly cold feeling.

"I'll keep this with me until you chose to be a good girl and do as I say."

As he finally vanished, Neal ran up to the poor girl. Clarissa raised her hands towards her chest. Feeling the empty feeling of her heart missing. Clarissa looked around, scared. Almost as if she was going to die. Literally her life was in his hands. And she didn't trust him. At all.

"Clarissa look at me, Clary you have to calm down, you have to listen to me. Everything will be okay, you have to believe. "

"Mom, Emma lets go get back our hearts before I kill him. But first I need to go get my sword and then dip my arrows Squid Ink."

Clarissa was about to take off running but she turned back, hearing her name coming out from the pirates mouth. Set in a stage of worry. He sounded scared for her life. As if he cared for the child.

"Take my sword. And once you do, you go get your arrows and be sure to stay safe."

"What the hell are you all waiting for lets go!"

Hook tossed her his satchel and his cutlass, she tied it around her waist before nodding her head. Operation Cobra walked across form Skull Rock towards the Jolly Roger. While Clarissa didn't even think twice about swimming towards the Jolly Roger. Before stumbling across the boat, she went past it towards the lagoon. She crouched down getting the sea shell, blowing on it for the squid to come from the depths of the ocean towards the surface.

She got out the sword Hook game her and attacked the squid. Aiming it perfectly in its temple killing it instantly. She then ran towards the cave in the Lagoon, grabbing her bow and arrows then grabbing the vile and draining the squids of its ink.

She was now finished and felt her breathing changed. She touched her chest as if her heart was in pain. Pan was indeed watching her. He knew what she was about to do, and as she tested and provoked him.

He did the same. She jumped back into the ocean and swam towards the Jolly Roger. She saw all the lost boys gathered around Henry, they finally looked alive. Out from the spell that Pan had casted on them.

She got up from the ocean, and walked on the sand. Walking on the dock of Neverland. She made eye contact with Felix. Felix sent her a smugly smile. She wasn't affected by it as he hoped. If looks can kill Felix would have been already dead.

"Clarissa why is Henry not awake?"

Clarissa rudely turned around ready to snap at the boy but only stopped to notice her was no older the 8 years old. It pained to see this boy deprived of anything. She crouched down by his side. Gathering the courage to talk to the boy.

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