Ch. 4 Second Star

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The ships burst threw the heavy seas, landing with a thunk. The waters smelled fresh, cleaner, more calm. Clarissa didn't feel all the pressure She was feeling in Storybrooke. Clarissa felt like she was one with nature, one with her self.

She sat on top near the steer, crossing her legs, sitting Indian Style. She heard the sound of Hooks voice. It pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Troubles my lady?"

"You can say that." Clarissa whispered looking into the vast oceans. She pondered if they were actually in Neverland, or stuck floating in a abyss of sadness. And no way to come back home.

"Well there is always a solution towards anything. You just have to believe that it's possible. Since we're in Neverland. You'll need a weapon of course."

Hook was right, she did in fact did need a weapon. She didn't know what would be best suited for her. Clarissa pondered for a moment before choosing she wanted three weapons. Double swords, and a bow.

Like magic, they appeared in front of her, she stifled a smile, putting on the swords and the putting the quiver in place.

"Thanks Hook. Seems like theirs good up there after all." Clarissa smiled a small smile towards the pirate.

"Come on love, I'm the good guy here."

"That's what they all say, but they end of being a psychotic sociopath." Clarissa smirked at the one handed pirate. Jumping down from the board, and walking towards Regina.

"We'll get Henry back, I promise you that, if I have to risk my life for the Henry. I'm sure as hell not thinking twice about it."

"Clarissa, your not risking your life for the boy. We all are going to find him, no matter how long we stay on the bloody island." Regina countered back.

"Hook, didn't you say were in Neverland?" Clarissa looked back at the one handed pirate.

"That's what the map said. And that's where we are."

"So Peter Pan. The guy who flies around with Tinkerbell, and the lost boys lives here. What's he like, Hook, in the story, you two were enemies."

"He's a bloody cowards that's what he is, everything in the book isn't true, he's a villain, a nasty one that is."

Clarissa stared at the man, wondering if he was telling the truth or not. But she shrugged her shoulders, and left it at that. She didn't have to tell Regina that, she will risk her life for Henry. She would do anything for him. And Emma knows it. She is proud of Clarissa.

Suddenly, the boat tipped from side to side. Something was hitting the boat, I looked down in the water, realising it was mermaids.

"Where's Rumple!?" Emma called out.

Knowing he would have used his magic to save his own life than to stay on the boat to help us. Coward

"I don't think they like you Hook." Clarissa yelled out. She loved picking on the pirate. It was her job, she couldn't stop but always through a sarcastic comment whenever she felt like it.

"How do we stop this!" Snow called out from the top deck, holding onto the ropes for dear life.

A storm was coming. The waves roared in anger, they didn't like the pirate, and the fact the adults were stepping foot on the island. Pan must have told them something. Clarissa thought.

If what Hook said was true about Peter Pan than, where all doomed. Clarissa looked straight ahead at the massive wave, 50, maybe 80 ft tall.

"Guys! How the hell are we getting past that!"

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