Ch. 18 Fire Meets Gasoline

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Merguards: Guards of Merfolk


Operation Cobra was still onwards as a direct order from the Evil Queen and the savior. They needed to find Henry and Clarissa as fast as they could, they didn't know what Pan had next on his list of games. They didn't know that he needed Clarissa as a distraction just for Henry. Clarissa refused to be a part of anything that Pan has, even though, she gave her life to him, when Hook told her, that Charming was indeed dying of Dreamshade.

Looking around for at least a simple clue, the clueless girl sat down once again, praying that she would be alone, for once and just think of a way out of Neverland. She watched the ocean roar in life. Knowing it was calling her again. She immediately stripped down and jumped into the ocean. Getting a clear vision, of what she always wanted, she sank towards the bottom before finally opening her eyes.

Her legs where now fins, her gills finally reached full potential, and she took off to Merfolk Castle. She needed to see her mother, she needed to tell her all about Pan's psychotic plans of taking over. She needs to tell her before she he found out.

She remembers clearly what had happen last night, around the fire, was still glued with her, she can't seem to forget, she wanted to forget everything that ever happened on this island, and once she knew it couldn't be happening. How he told her about Henrys role in Neverland, and of course her role, but he wouldn't let her go that easily.


"Onwards to phase two Felix."

Clarissa could see the smirk rise from his face, from the fire, how the fire to, was under his control, how it would dance, to the beat of the pipe. Clarissa didn't hear, anything coming from the blasted pipe, she thought it was all a joke. But once Henry, started to dance, and call her along to dance, she knew that Pan enchanted the pipe, so that Henry could now hear it.

"Whats wrong Love afraid of a little fire"

"Your demented aren't you. Sick and twisted with your little games aren't you? You're not satisfied until everyone is bowing down towards you. Your afraid that they will leave you once my family comes and saves us, isn't it. It's the truth. That's why you have been secretly training, me to fight them off."

"You know I underestimated you, you do have fire, I like fire."

"Remember this Pan, fire is destructive when it meets gasoline." Clarissa flickered her wrist, causing the fire to burn heavily, Pan cocked her head towards her, knowing exactly what she was saying.. Clarissa was indeed the gasoline that he was looking for to start his fire. The fire that burned inside of him, deeply, and he wanted it gone, he wanted Clarissa to finally feel what he felt, all these years on Neverland.

Clarissa refused to believe anything he had to say about Neverland and about Henry.

'You do realize that Neverland is dying. And I need your brother to believe that."

"You expect me to believe you. Everything you put us through, all your games, you want me to believe you." Clarissa wasn't playing around this time, she didn't know what to believe, or who to believe, Henry, or Pan.

"I saved your grandfather, I showed you who you really are Clarissa, I even showed you who your real mother out of my kindness!" Pan shouted at Clarissa, waving his arms so that everything around them was still, was completely frozen. Everything around them stood still.

"You threated me to lock me in a cage, who the hell does that." Clarissa angrily, threw a fireball at Pan, but he caught it. Knowing that nothing could stop him.

Run This Town (OUAT -Peter Pan(RobbieKay) Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora