Ch 4. Valid Arguments

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Clarissa had rushed back home with Emma and the pirate.  Hook still hasn’t told her about seeing Pan, he had refused on telling her. He wanted her to live a life without the devil himself. With that being said, Hook didn’t dare to think twice about their safety, they had to be back in Storybrooke. Madness has broken out, the savior had to return.

It was a dark paradise that the family was living in, no matter what the facts where, they weren’t safe wherever they went. Clarissa had been packing for a while, Emma had realized that they had to. Clarissa had promised to take Henry out for the night, a promise is a promise, and Clarissa never breaks a promise.

                 “Emma, I promised Henry that I would go take him out tonight, you and lover boy can finish packing up, I will tell him were going on vacation or some crap like that.”

                “Not to fast Clarissa, what in the hell did you do with your hair?” Emma had conjured up with Clarissa, eyeing her in disapproval.

                “My own mother wasn’t even there on the day I almost died. So welcome to my world Emma, you really don’t know me at all.”

“I didn’t even-“

“Don’t you dare pretend like you care when you don’t. You know what I am not going to have this conversation with you. I am going to get Henry.”

Clarissa had gone out of the house, taking her wallet, slamming the door as she went out of the apartment. She had been furious, furious at the fact that Emma would pull out something like that. Emma hadn’t been there for Clarissa, she was worried about Walsh and Henry. Henry had gotten everything.

While Clarissa had to work sometimes double jobs to get through to pay on what she wanted. Clarissa didn’t want anything to do with Emma, but now since Hook had come back, she can finally enter the sea again and be lost to the thought of feels of the ocean.

Did everyone think that they had a healthy relationship, what they saw on the outside was nothing compared what was burning on the inside. She had noticed how Henry stood their patiently waiting for her arrival. She stood there for a while just gazing at the boy whose memory had been torn from him a year ago.

“Hey Clary! Snap out of it.” she hadn’t noticed how close Henry was to her till he snapped her back into reality.

“Hey Henry, how was school?” she asked the kid curiously but knowing what his answer would be.

“Boring. Mr. Taylor dragged on about how World War 1 changed all wars. And then he talked about that movie The Interview.”

“Did he now?”

 “So what are we doing tonight?”

“Well your mom had been called to do this case in a town called Storybrooke; and we have to leave immediately.  But before we leave I promised you we can go get whatever it is you want to eat.”

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