Ch. 1 Fake I.D

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One Year

Clarissa snuck out of the apartment again. She had her money stuffed into her bra, her id checked into her back pocket and her phone in her boot.

Clarissa was wearing cut off shorts, a white tank top, followed by a oversized flannel shirt. It really didn't matter her to her what she wore to the club, all she wanted as a drink. And a drink she shall get.

She walked past Naples and Pines Ave.

Clarissa meet up with her friends 3 blocks away from the apartment that she had been staying at with Henry and Emma. Piper her blonde friend, gave her a hug, something that she had been grateful was for a best friend that she could spend hours and hours just talking crap about anything that came into her mind. Her other red headed friend; Ellie, was also there, she was the backbone in their friendship, while Piper was the heart, and Clarissa was the soul. Everything they did was for a reason.  Emma had never approved of the friends that she was making in New York, but she kept quiet.

The trio rounded against the club waiting for Pipers’ man to come to the back of the club, giving them their fake id. The summer night time weather had cooled down the city, they know how sometimes New York can get hot, but not as hot as the Florida weather.

“Clary, in there is a bunch of young men ready to see something as pretty as you. Pick ‘em right.” Piper had told Clarissa about her nasty habits of having of always picking the wrong ones.

Nasty habits really, it been all about me, in New York, getting what she wants whenever the hell when she wants, no matter what was the cost, Clarissa would find a way out of it. As the trio entered the bar, they were immediately glanced at. Stolen glances came from the hungry eyes. Clarissa smirked towards herself, knowing it was her time to shine. It was never up to her for her choices that she made, it was always up to Regina, but now she didn’t know what had happened to Storybrooke, she had been too much of a coward to even look back.

 Looking back Clarissa noticed how the country bar rose slightly, she had her Fake I.D in her back pocket, ready to be used. Her back up choice was to flirt endlessly with the cute bar tender, until she had her drink in her hand. Or if that didn’t work, there was always Operation T.

Clarissa pulled Piper and Ellie towards the dance floor, she was willing to let everything go, even the memories that haunted her drastically. She danced with every beat to every song.

“1 2 3 their gonna run back to me.” Clarissa whispered to her friends, noticing how a familiar eyes were watching her, she noticed how the dark eyes would always follow her movement, noticing how they never left her.  She played it off and looked into another direction.

Someone pulled her wrist, colliding her chest with theirs. It surprised Clarissa and her friends very much, his dark brown eyes would sparkle in the weirdest  ways, it wouldn’t matter if she tried to look away, it was like she couldn’t. He had put her into a trance.

Piper was the first to notice what was happening, she pulled Clarissa roughly away from the mysterious man, she eyed him carefully, slapping Clarissa back into reality. Clarissa shook her head violently, glaring at Piper, but then glaring at the mysterious man.

But that didn’t last long until she heard the familiar song; that she loved to dance to in Piper’s apartment, she rushed to the front, knowing the dance by heart, she followed the rhythm of the song, noticing the man next to her was dirty blonde, the grayest eyes  she has ever seen before, it was rare. But she bit her lip and continued to dance. Letting everything go on the dance floor.

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