Chapter 5-7: A New Challenge

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I heard Grim walking over and pulled him over. I looked to see Vil standing in front of a room. Grim got confused and checked with me. "Hey Vermillion. What's wrong? The rehearsal is over, Vil allowed us to eat anything we like... But yet you came here to stalk on him."

"Gut instinct is plaguing me. You know how wolves are." I hummed. Grim looked to Vil.
"Ah, Vil just stopped in front of a waiting room. Whose room is that?" Grim muttered. Vil knocked on the door.
"Yes! I'll open the door now!" I tensed. Nononononono... Neige opened the door.
"Ah, Vi-kun. What's wrong?" Neige said. Every fiber in my body was screaming to intervene.
"...We didn't get to talk much during the rehearsal. I came here because I want to have a proper conversation with you." Vil said. Neige looked shocked at first and I dug my nails into the ground.
"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too!" Neige chirped happily.
"...Oh, where are your little friends?" Vil asked.
"If you're talking about Dominic and the others, they just went out to look at the exhibition booth and to find Helia-sensei as well as Rielle who is carrying her stuff. Jeez, they can't stay still for just a second." Neige sighed. The mention of my aunt made me relieved if only for a second.
"I see, so you're alone now.... Your performance during the rehearsal is so perfect. All the people are being attracted by your loveliness. That's how it's always been." Vil said.
"I was impressed by your performance too! I wouldn't be able to sing such a cool song, the way you dance is so awesome. I'm so fascinated by it." Neige praised.

I didn't like the look on Vil's face. It was planning. Vil was thoughtful. "I see...Thank you. Fufu, we both want abilities of each other. Hey, Neige. Are you thirsty? I wanted to give you a delicious apple juice. It's my current favorite..."

Vil then produced a jar of Epel's apple juice. My eyes widened and my body jerked violently, itching to move. Neige stared at it. "Ah, it's the one you uploaded to magicam before. I want to try it for once, I'm so happy! Thank you."

"Here, please enjoy it."

"I will."

'NO!' I screamed internally. Luckily, my saving grace arrived. "NEIGE!!!!"

I had despised the hunter at first, but now relief flooded my senses. Rook hadn't taken notice of me yet and I watched as he approached Neige. "I'm sorry to disturb you. One of the staff is looking for you, they wanted to ask you something about the performance. Roi du Neige...I mean, Neige."

Neige seemed startled. "Roi du, the way you speak... Are you perhaps..."

"Ah! I'm so thirsty after searching for you. The apple juice you're holding looks so delicious. Would you please give it to me?"

"Y-Yes. Sure!"

"Thank you, Neige. Now hurry up and head to the stage. And don't come back again."

"Eh? What do you mean by that..."



Neige darted off as I clutched my ears. Vil turned to him. "Rook, why..."

Rook hummed. "Mhmm~... What a fresh scent. By smelling this, a red delicious apple appeared in my mind. The product from Epel's hometown is really wonderful. I'll drink all this without leaving a single drop, Roi de Poison."

Vil seemed startled. A new voice greeted my ears. "NO, ROOK!!!!"

Kalim then slapped it out of his hands. Rook turned to him with surprise. "Roi D'or! Why are you here? I just noticed, Grim and Vermillion are here too."

I had jumped out to examine the apple juice and Grim was perched on my shoulder. "Kalim, why did you knock the bottle out of Rook's hands!?"

Kalim was panting. "...I made it on time...!"

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora