Chapter 3 (Epilogue): Time to Say Goodbye and the 4th Victim

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-At Lunalupus-

"What happened to her?"

"Hel, before you start shouting-"

"What. In. The. Name. Of. Helheim. Happened. To. My. Niece."

"Hel, be calm. She's alright now."

"I still want to know what happened to her."

"She had a series of visions-"

"WHAT!? HOW!?"

"Hel, keep your voice down! Vermillion is asleep at the moment!"

"Sorry. How did this happen?"

"I'm not completely sure how it happened, but it happened while she was drinking some chamomile tea in the Mostro Lounge."

"Dang it. Was there anything they slipped in the tea?"

"Other than sugar and honey? No, there wasn't."

"Then how?"

"I said I wasn't completely sure Hel. Wait, maybe...."

"Maybe what?"

"You know how different kinds of teas affect my powers differently?"

"Uh huh? Wait, are you saying that the tea was the cause and your genes as well?"

"That's exactly what I'm getting at Hel. If she had a series of visions, then I think that switching to Earl Gray will be a good course of action. Especially since chamomile tea seems to trigger her Seer genes. Let's hope that the tea switch will be a good idea for her. Especially since she now has to sleep off a massive headache from all those visions."

"Sirenous, I have a question."

"Ask away."

"What were her visions about?"

"Events I hope never come true."

"That bad!?"

"Mhm. So far, my daughter has predicted three overblots and she is staying here for the winter break. I need someone to watch over her."

"Sorry Sirenous, but I have tort- I mean stuff to get ready for the first years and I promised Fenris that I'd be around for Christmas. I know someone or a few someones that may be willing to help."

"Who? Who will look after her?"

"Jormungand, Vanessa, and little Naga have agreed to help out."

"How will Vanessa help out?"

"She's been taught some magic to defend herself with. Plus, she and Naga have gone through the process."

"Wonderful. What did Vanessa become?"

"A king cobra naga or lamia. You should've seen Jormungand. He was blushing hard at the sight of his fiance. Naga became one as well, just as a godling."

"I would've paid good money to see his reaction. I bet she's beautiful."

"Very. I could hardly believe my eyes. A woman that was once scared of snakes is now one. How funny are the works of fate, eh?"

"Mhm. Of course I'm a Seer so I know firsthand how fate works."

"I know. Anyways, rest assured. Your eldest daughter is in capable hands."

"Thank you for telling me this. I no longer have to be worried for my daughter's safety. Oh! Before I forget, did Naga's unique magic change? What's Vanessa's?"

"Naga's unique magic is still the same. Vanessa's unique magic is called "Camouflage." She can blend in with her surroundings and sneak up on people."

"Good to know. I better head to sleep now. Bonum nocte (Good night) Hel."

"Goodnight Sirenous."

With that, the call was cut off and the two went to go sleep.

-The Next Morning, Back to Vermillion-

I was helping Mother pack for the trip back home. I wanted to go as well, but my mother said that my abilities might be needed here. I understood, so I complied with my mother's wishes. Plus, what if there was another dorm issue for me to solve? What would happen then? I would yeet myself off the school roof- I mean help them!

Speaking of Mother, she arrived carrying her items. She glanced over at me when she felt my piercing gaze. She seemed confused. "Is something the matter my dear?"

I shook my head. Mother hummed, but didn't say anything. I was honestly worried for my safety. Mother loaded up the rest of her stuff and we made our way to where the portal was waiting.

-At Scarabia, Third Person POV-

A student was pacing. His name was Imun. He could speak to snakes which his family considered a blessing and a way to get money. He had figured out Jamil's plans and needed to warn Vermillion, as she was staying for the holidays. Jamil, thankfully, didn't know yet. His train of thought was disrupted when he heard a hiss. He turned, only to find an albino rattlesnake watching him. Odd, but useful. He knelt to the ground and beckoned it over. "Don't be afraid. My name is Imun. I won't hurt you. I need your help. Please, help me."

"Since you asked politely, I, Naga Rivers and daughter of the World Serpent, will gladly help you Imun."

"Truly? Thank you Naga! How is it that you are a rattlesnake?"

"You're welcome Imun. This is my unique magic, 'Serpent'. It allows my to turn into different snakes. What do you need from me Imun?"

"I need you to deliver something to Vermillion. A letter."

"Very well. You will not regret this puer anguis (snake child)."

Imun straightened up as Naga carried the letter off. He sighed in relief. Vermillion would be safe now.

-Back to Vermillion-

Mother has left now. It's now evening and time for bed. I walked into the foyer and a piece of paper on the floor caught my attention. It was a letter addressed to me.

'Dear Prefect von Fenris,
I am sending you this letter to warn you. Something terrible is happening in Scarabia.
Prefect al-Asim is out of his mind and is being controlled. By who? Vice Prefect Jamil Viper.
He doesn't know about you yet and I pray he never does. He would consider you a stepping stone in his plan.
He doesn't know that I know about his plan and I hope he never does. I worry for your safety.
Have a good holiday.


Well, dang it. Now I wish I left. Well, I can't change the past. I better get some rest.


I hoped for a peaceful night. Fate seemed to hate me if it was showing me the sea of black for the fourth time. I turned to face who was next and saw none other than Jamil Viper. I wondered about this but my mind forced me to wake up from that vision.

And so I did.

I woke up at the ungodly hour of 4 am and rubbed my eyes. I yawned and stretched. Well, I guess it's time to look at the ceiling until I need to get ready for the day.

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