Prologue Pt.2

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The world felt like it had overturned. I felt fear and dread drop in the pit of my stomach. I felt sick and I didn't know what to say. Father cursed under his breath and turned to me. "You heard your cousin. Start running."

"What!? But-"

"No buts young lady. If the other Norse gods are after you, then it means nothing good. So get running."

"*sigh* Very well Father."

"Good. We'll all give an embrace for the road."

I gave all my siblings a hug as they hugged back. Mother made me some snacks and then hugged me with Father. Finally, I turned to Naga and gave her a wry smile. "Is this repaying the favor for when you were in 8th grade?"

Naga looked startled, but pleased that I had remembered that time. She gave me a small nod and hugged me tightly. "Yeah, repayment. Also, for the years you protected me."

"I'll see you when the dust settles. Find me then."


After pulling away and walking out, I turned into my wolf form. I looked back at the place I had fondly called "home" and turned around. Now wasn't the time to reminisce. So, after a deep breath, I started running and never looked back in fear I might go running back just because I couldn't bring myself to follow through with something I already had to do. So, I never once looked back.


It has been almost 3 days since I left home. I've been foraging. Food isn't just going to pop up in my hands. As I munched on an apple, I took a good look at where I was. I didn't recognize this part of the woods, but then again, I lost all sense of direction and the need to run had replaced it. Ugh, how will I get home now? Especially since I hadn't left a trail to point them to me. I hate not being productive enough.

I gazed at the scenery and was amazed by all the trees I saw. All the lovely flowers too. Olives, mountain ashes, dahlias, roses, orchids, tulips, dandelions, and marigolds. How beautiful are the wonders of nature. A smile crossed my lips as I admired the place. It was lovely.

'Wait, is that a clearing? Could it be that I've found a place of refuge?'

Much to my delight, my thoughts were confirmed. The clearing housed an abandoned mansion with wildflowers blooming all around. The house was worn down and looked unliveable. Maybe I could clean it up and decorate so it feels more like home. The only thing that could take me away from such an interesting would either be those Norse gods or an abnormal occurrence. Oh, wait. I'm probably jinxing myself. Then again, pretty low chance. I covered my tracks well and an abandoned mansion isn't a bad omen, so what are the chances?

I walked around, admiring the lovely flowers and checking out the mansion. If all goes well, then I should be able to settle here and stay away from the other Norse gods while making sure that I find a way home so I can at least send them words of reassurance. I just hope Naga, my parents, and my siblings are all well. I wonder how Aunt Hel and Uncle Jormungand are. I hope that they are doing well. Grandfather as well.

I sighed, shaking the thoughts out of my head and quietly mumbled to myself, "It won't do you any good to worry about this. What you need to worry about is your safety right now. I'm sure that they will be fine and just thinking about it won't do you any good."

I let out another quiet sigh. I should go inside now. I've only checked the exterior, but not the interior. If there are ticks in there, then I'm sleeping on the roof. I approached the two double doors and sighed. Well, here goes nothing.


I opened the two double doors and there was an ominous creaking sound to it. Dust and cobwebs littered the place. The entrance might have been grand once, but now it really it showed how long it had been abandonded. I took a few steps on the stairway and felt those brittle spots. Ok, how about check the ground floor, then risk the staircase. I jumped off the staircase and started to examine the place. The dining room looked like it was meant for grand feasts and parties and the kitchen must have housed good servants. The living room had many books and I examined them. One stood out to me the most and I pulled it out. A letter fell out of a book with Norse mythology in it. I picked up the letter and started to read.


I fear I have done something terribly wrong. The siren that helped me is now with child. I have asked her about the baby and she said that it was a female cub. I was confused until she explained that her husband was Fenris Wolf. I screeched and told her to dump him and get rid of the child. She was furious and told me that she would never do anything of the sort, that I would pay. She was right. We have lost our daughters and only our sons are here. I will never forgive myself for what I said. To Helheim with me.

Sincerely, Dove Burns aka your loving wife

P.S. Sirenous, if you ever find this, then I hope you forgive me for this. I was just startled and scared and didn't mean what I said. Also, the treasures that reside here should go to your child should she find this place.

The letter fell to the floor along with the book. Mother was here? She cursed a family because of what the woman said about me? Note to self: Moms are scary when pissed off. The letter said something about treasures. Wonder where those could be.

Eh, I'll just explore and hope I find them. Now, to face the stairwell. Fuuuuuunnnnn. I took a hold of the rail and started to ascend to the second floor. My eyes were cautiously staring about and I watched my step. After getting to the second floor, I started to explore the rooms. Bedrooms, bathrooms, office, a locked door that I'll check it out later, and the treasury. Wait, the treasury?! I opened the door and peeked inside. The treasures were trinkets, a chest filled with gems and gold, two armbands, and an earring box. There is no way I can fit all this in my sack. Unless, I use some magic to make me sack so that I can store huge objects in it.

I placed a charm on my sack and started to put the stuff inside. Starting with the chest, then the earring box, then the armbands, and finally the trinkets. I wiped my head that was sweaty from the chest workout. That chest was heavy with all that cargo! Well, now that I have the treasure, it's time to investigate that locked door. I felt huge waves of magic from behind it, so I should check it out.

I took a trip down the hall to the locked room and summoned some lava magic to melt the chains. I clutched my sack which hung around my left shoulder. It was light, thanks to the charm. I pushed open the door and peeked inside. What was inside made me confused.

'A mirror?'

I thought as I pushed open the door the rest of the way. Confusion littered my features. That is until,

'Ah...My dear beloved,'

What was that?!?

'A lovely and noble flower of evil.'

Where is that coming from?

'Truly you are the most beautiful of all,

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Who is the...'

Mirror? As in the mirror I'm stuck with? Wait, are those flames in the mirror?

'Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror,

As long as your heart desires,

Take the hand that appears in the mirror.'

A hand appeared in the mirror as promised.

'Flames that turn even the stars to ash,

Ice that imprisons even time,

Great tree that swallows even the sky,

Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,

Come now, show your power.

Mine, theirs, and yours,

There's only little time for us.

Do not let go of the hand, at all costs.'

I jinxed myself, perfect. But, this sounds promising. Maybe, just maybe, I could find a home. So, I took the hand in the mirror and then it all went black.

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now