Chapter 2-3: Hyena Chase and Fighting with Jack

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-Previously, Jack stepped out of the line of sight and is ready to face the two-
"Did you need someone to sing you a lullaby?" Leona mocked.
"Shall I sing for you? Shishishi." Ruggie mocked as well.
"I want to know why you're doing this." Jack said bluntly.
"Oh? You want a bedtime story then? Very well. It's Diasomnia. Every since Malleus arrived two years ago, the dorm would always beat us in the first round. We seemed like weak kittens instead of the people who were originally feared. Senior recommendations from our dorm for Magift teams were dwindled to zero. We will finally reclaim our glory." Leona said.
"That isn't right though!" Jack shouted.
"So you want to disregard your seniors for some blind justice?" Leona questioned. He watched Jack fumble for an answer.
"I need to think." Jack then left with Ruggie following soon after. Leona was now alone with his thoughts. He thought of Vermillion and her siblings. One godling was powerful. Seven? It was a rare experience to find that many or even one. Leona thought of Vermillion as he stared out the window. He had to have her power on his side. She was a huge stepping stone in his plan if he could convince her. 'Mark my words my little jewel, I will find your weaknesses. Be prepared Vermillion von Fenris.'

-Back to Vermillion, The Next Day-

The trek to the school was filled with chatter and we met up with Cater and Riddle. Riddle noticed my crooked tie and stepped up. "May I fix your tie Emerald?"

I flushed at the nickname and nodded. Riddle fixed my tie and Katherine wolf whistled. I turned to glare at her. "Quiet Miss Helpless Romantic."

Katherine gaped at me and Cater coughed. "There was another injury last night. It was Scarabia's vice dorm head, 2nd year Jamil Viper."

My siblings were speechless. I started walking. "The cafeteria isn't going to magically appear before us. Let's go."


"You're Jamil, right?" I questioned as I sat across from him.

Jamil and a white haired male looked up. I eyed them and then the wound. Guilt churned in my stomach. Had I given Katherine the right to use her unique magic, I could've stopped this. It was a new weight on my shoulder.

-Jamil's POV-

The godling, Vermillion von Fenris, was looking at my wound with sorrow and guilt. I was surprised that a higher being could feel such emotions. Her emerald eyes grew misty, yet still shone like a moonstone. It was beautiful, but also heartbreaking. Kalim watched the female with interest and also sadness at seeing her expression. I didn't want two sobbing people on my hands. What do I do to make a godling not cry?"

-Back to Vermillion-

I inhaled deeply before turning to Jamil. "How did you get injured?"

Jamil was watching my expression but answered. "Last night, I was making fried buns with lamb meat per Kalim's request."

"The fried buns Jamil makes are amazing! You should try some sometime!" Kalim chirped happily.
"Back on topic, while chopping, I blacked out and cut myself." Jamil explained.
"Like someone was controlling you?" I pressed.
"Must have been. I wasn't tired from Magift practice." Jamil replied.

I knew it. My siblings and I deduced this last night, but this confirmed it. As if I summoned them with my thoughts, my siblings and Grim were now beside me. Brook looked to Jamil and then to me. "May I, my dearest sister?"

I nodded to Brook and Solis. Solis unraveled the bandages and then the twins pressed their hands to his wound. "Sana (Heal)."

The wound glowed before healing. Jamil looked at his arm in wonder. I gave him the same warning I gave Trey. "Be cautious about using it. Give it some time to heal before using it. Take it from someone who's experienced this before and broken code only for it to bite her in the butt."

Kalim was beaming at the twins (personal nurses-I mean what?) and grinned at this. He turned to me with a grin. "Your siblings are amazing!"

I smirked. "Taken as well. Aside from Brook that is."

"Whoa! Really?"

I nodded as Brook started laughing and the rest of my siblings started stuttering. I turned to the two while standing up. "Thank you for the help. We appreciate it."

"No problem! I don't get what's going on, but you're welcome!" Kalim chirped. Bless his innocence, but at least help his dumbness. I started to walk off.

Cater and Riddle looked confused. Cater spoke to me, "What are you doing?"

I smirked. "Ready to catch our culprit?"


I followed Ruggie's scent to a classroom and trotted up to him without the others. Ruggie looked up and gave me a smile when he saw me approaching. "Hey Siren. What's up?"

I stopped beside him. I clicked my tongue as the rest approached me. "Trying to sabotage a traditional event like this? Unacceptable. How dare you?"

My eyes gleamed with frustration. Ruggie gave me a mock confused look. "What do you mean?"

"*Growls and slams hand on desk* I know what you did Ruggie. Fess up now."

Ruggie looked surprised at my actions but I then saw a grin. "What?"

In a flash, he stole Riddle and Cater's pens before running off. This resulted in a chase. We ran into Ace and Deuce on the way. I barely listened as I turned to my wolf form and chased after him. It was easy. Once I was close enough, I transformed into a beastwoman form and tackled Ruggie to the ground. I pressed my hands to his throat. I spoke with a growl. "Give the pens back."

Ruggie dropped them and pecked my cheek before scrambling out of my grasp while I froze. This little son of a....... I'm gonna hurt him when I get the chance. I picked myself up and put the pens in my pocket to give back. Ace, Deuce, Grim, and my siblings rushed up. I showed them the pens but then turned to see a beastman making his way toward us. A wolf beastman at that. He stopped a little ways away. "Still doing your investigation?"

I placed my hands on my hips. "Do you have a problem with it Howl?"

Jack seemed surprised but shook his head. "You lot. Battle me."

Solis and Brook vouched out along with Katherine and Balto. Brook took Grim with her. Kyro turned to me and just shrugged. "You're in charge of the six of us so no need to make you sit out."

Dang right. I clenched my knuckles. Time to fight.


"RAAAAAHHHH!!!" Jack growled.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Deuce roared.

Jack was outnumbered but didn't mind. Ace was right out while my brothers, Deuce and I held strong against our opponent. I rushed in there and we both threw a punch. Our fists collided and Jack gritted his teeth while I on the other hand, just blinked.

The two of us separated and Jack nodded to me. "You win. I'll tell you everything."

My ears twitched and I nodded for Jack to continue. Jack gritted his teeth. "I'm about to betray my dorm here. But, I can't stand it anymore! Using dirty tactics to get their way!"

Deuce and I nodded in agreement with his words. Jack continued, "Ruggie's unique magic allows him to mimic another person's actions. Things like tripping and such to make it seem like an accident. All of Savanaclaw is probably in on it. They've probably been helping Ruggie out."

"We've heard enough." Riddle spoke. I handed him and Cater the stolen pens. Riddle nodded before continuing.

"So here's the plan..." Riddle started. Jack intervened.
"Hold on, I never agreed to any of this. I should head back to my dorm." Jack started to leave.
"Hm? You're not going to at least listen?" I purred. Jack stiffened.
"No.... I'm..... not." Jack tried to say. I rolled my eyes.
"You just told us your dorm's secret. You may get ambushed. Please, listen to us." I pleaded. Jack went silent, pondering. My siblings gave me deadpan looks. Being a grandchild of Loki has its perks.
"Fine, but if I don't like it, I'm leaving." Jack growled.
"Fair enough." I said, pulling out my phone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Third Person POV)

Lilia looked at his phone to see who was calling him and then picked up.
"Hey Crimson. What do you need?"
"I need your help devising a plan, are you in?"
"Yes ma'am! What do I need to do?"
"You see......"

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें