Chapter 1-7: Back on Track

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Riddle opened his eyes with a gasp and I sighed in relief. He looked to me with a pitiful look and he eased himself into a sitting position. "What did I do?"

I sighed. "Short version or long version?"


"Alright then."

~A Whole Explanation Later~

".....and that's what happened." I concluded. Riddle opened his mouth to speak but said nothing. My aunt snapped his mouth shut in response. Ace chortled at that but was swiftly hit on the head. I sighed in response to her actions. "Quid facis (Why do you do this)?"

Trey snorted in response as my aunt turned to me. "Quia non possum (Because I can). I have to go now. Bye everyone. Take care of my niece."

"I'm 245!"

"I know."

With that, my aunt disappeared in a cloud of mist. Riddle looked at the ground. "I really wanted to eat that marron tart."

I turned to him. "What?"

"The roses are fine white, I prefer milk tea or lemon tea, the flamingos are fine pink, I prefer honey in my tea instead of sugar, and...I wanted to eat with everyone and chat." Riddle confessed, making my heart tug.


Riddle watched me freeze in shock at the outburst. My eyes were glowing golden. Riddle turned to me. "Are you alright?"

I turned to Riddle. "I have ligyrophobia."

Everyone seemed confused. I sighed. "Fear of loud noises. My ears are sensitive so that's where I get the fear from. Please don't shout like that again Ace."

Ace mumbled before speaking up. "My birthday isn't for a while, so I demand that we have a do over of the Unbirthday Party. You will make the tart yourself. No asking Trey for help!"

Riddle nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, I got it."

I then fell back on the grass with everyone crowding around to make sure I was okay. "Thank the Nine Realms that was settled quickly. I don't know what I'd do if you kept fighting each other."

Everyone blinked before bursting out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along. I could get used to this.


Time for the Unbirthday Party do over. Trumpets sounded and then a student shouted, "Make way for the Red Ruler: Prefect Rosehearts!"

"Three cheers for Prefect Riddle!" The rest of the Heartslabyul residents shouted.

"Ah, the roses are red, the tablecloths are white, truly a perfect Unbirthday Party. The Dormouse is sleeping inside the teapot as planned... ah, it doesn't really matter." Riddle said. I sighed. Poor boy.
"You don't have to change everything at once. How about we put the jam on some scones?" Trey asked and Riddle nodded at the vice dorm head. Then after a while, he presented the tart. "I made the tart on my own, as promised."

I took one smell and then plugged my nose. Trey scanned it."Not too bad. The texture needs a little work, but not bad. Let's try it shall we? Vermillion, are you alright?"

I nodded and Cater, Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Grim all took a bite. They all exclaimed, "S-SALTY!?!?!"

Ace turned towards me and I stared back. "Yes, I could smell it. Part wolf remember?"

Cater and Grim ended up liking it, much to my confusion, and then an all too familiar scent hit my nose as Che'nya revealed himself. "Hm, hm, hmm. Trey's tarts always look good. *munch, munch*"

"Che'nya!? What are you doing here?" Riddle said surprised.
"I came to congratulate you on the party. Great job Riddle!" Che'nya said.
"The Unbirthday Party is a Heartslabyul tradition only. You don't have anything to do with it." Riddle said with a frown. Che'nya unfortunately noticed me and grinned.

"Hey Lupa!" Che'nya chirped.
"Sigh. Where are you supposed to be?" I asked.
"Royal Sword Academy, but why does that matter?" Che'nya said as he floated in front of me.
"Just wondering. What are you doing?" I questioned. Che'nya kissed my nose before chuckling. The other Heartslabyul residents turned hostile and he disappeared, chuckling all the while. I could feel my aunt's rage from here. He's so dead.

~At Savanaclaw, Third Person POV~

"Ah, I'm so jealous! Heartslabyul is having a feast over there. Why doesn't Savanaclaw have any stomach bursting traditions?" A hyena groaned.
"Please. What's the point in sitting outside in the sun and eating cake all day. That aside, how is everything coming Ruggie?" Leona questioned.
"Everything is going smoothly!" Ruggie said.
"Good. Malleus better be prepared." Leona said with a smirk.

'Let's hope you actually have the skill you need to survive this godling. I hope you're prepared my little jewel.' Leona thought to himself with a smirk. He thought about Vermillion and the power she had. Maybe, just maybe, with the right convincing, he could have her seemly unlimited power on his side. All he needed was the right plan. Godlings were just as fickle and as picky as actual gods and goddesses were after all.

~At Royal Sword Academy, Hel's POV~

Ah, a refreshing walk helps the mind become clearer. I stopped my walk at the sound of hurried footsteps and turned to see a student of mine, Rielle. I became confused at his actions. "Rielle? Is something the matter?"

Rielle started to slow his breathing before speaking. "Have you seen Che'nya? Or at least know where he is Professor Helia?"

Helia was a disguise name I made for myself when I began working here. I always wore a glamour around the students. I focused on the question and sighed. "Alchemi? He should be arriving here soon. I have a few words for him myself."

Rielle and I waited for 15 minutes before the cat finally showed himself. I spoke before Rielle could. "So, my niece, eh?"

Rielle was confused. "You have a niece, Helia-sensei?"

"Che'nya, what's going on between you and Vermillion?"

Rielle seemed confused while Che'nya seemed embarrassed. "How do nya know about that?"

I rolled my eyes before pulling out a crystal ball and tossed it into the air three times before putting it back in my pocket. "I used my crystal ball to keep tabs on her. I saw you kiss her nose. Now, tell me Alchemi, do you want a one way ticket to Helheim? Or to my brother and sister-in-law?"

Che'nya quickly shook his head as I calmed down. "That's what I thought child. Though, mind your manners."

Che'nya was confused by my word choice. "Huh?"

"We're going to visit my niece in a couple days. Be on your best behavior or I'll kill you. Got it?"

"Yes Helia-sensei! Why me though?"

"I'm not risking my niece's neck to your classmates."

"RUDE!" Rielle shouted.

Life is a wonder. No wonder Vermillion likes it here.

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora