Chapter 1-5: Interrogating Trey and Challenging Riddle

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Trey turned to face me when I spoke. He seemed surprised. Then he noticed Ace and Deuce. "What are you all doing here?"

I turned to Ace and Deuce, only for them to stare back at me. I gave them a deadpanned look before I rolled my eyes and turned back to Trey. "We met someone named Alchemi, commonly known as Che'nya. He said that you know about why Riddle is so insistent on following the rules. Do you or do you not?"

".....I do. It was because he was raised by harsh rules."

"Explain." I pressed.

"His parents were famous magicians. There wasn't anyone is his town who didn't know them. Riddle's mother was especially well known and wanted the same for her son. She decided everything for him, academic programs, what he ate and drank, when he slept, and the friends he made. Riddle kept quiet and listened to them, even perfecting his unique magic when he was 10. His parents raised him so that he always got first place. Riddle believes that harsh rules will get you friendship and he doesn't go against it."

"Because it would destroy everything he knows, but, YOU, Trey Clover are somewhat responsible for this."

Ace gaped at me before grinning. "Took the words straight from my head."

"If he's doing something wrong, tell him. Not saying anything is what brought all this about. Also...." I said, taking Trey's hands in my own. I wanted to continue, but that dream.... This mortal might do something stupid to stop Riddle from overblotting. He's not ready to die. I sighed and continued, choosing my next words wisely.

"Don't you want him to become a better person?" I said. Trey was silent.

Ace chose that moment to shout. "Are you scared of the collar? You call yourself his childhood friend, but all I see is a coward! You're so lame!"

"KEEP YOUR VOICES DOWN!! YOU'RE IN THE LIBRARY!!" Crowley shouted as I became a statue. Trey noticed and shook my shoulders, noticing the gold that had taken over the green.
"You're the one shouting." Grim pointed out.
"Oh, my apologies. Why the long faces?"

~An Entire Explanation Later (Trey managed to unfreeze Vermillion)~

"I see. So, Prefect Rosehearts is getting worse you say? Why not challenge him to a duel?" Crowley questioned.
"Ah, splendid idea Headmaster! That should bode nicely." I exclaimed. Crowley shot me a wry smile.
"Hold up. Why a duel?" Ace asked.
"Ace, back where I come from, on Midgard, duels were used to challenge individuals for a position. It's a little entertaining, but it's also dangerous on Midgard." I explained.
"What's Midgard?" Deuce questioned.
"The human world." I explained.

Ace seemed to ponder this. "So, if I defeat Prefect, then I can help everyone out?"

I nodded. The odds are probably not in our favor, but it's worth a shot. I turned to the headmaster. "Please explain the duels of this world to me."

~Yet Another Explanation Later~

I nodded after hearing about the duels and how they differed from Midgardian duels. I turned to Ace. "As the prefect of Lunalupus, I wish you and Deuce luck for tomorrow. Something tells me you'll need it. I, of course, will attend to watch the fight. But, I will do it as a mediator. Grim, you will assist me if something goes wrong."

Deuce smiled at me and nodded. Ace grinned and flashed a thumbs up. "Good to know we'll be prepared for tomorrow."

~Trey's POV~

Prefect von Fenris is something else. Then again, her ancestor is Loki who had a silver tongue and was good at telling others lies. But, she seems genuinely worried for their safety. Maybe ancestry isn't everything. People have been wrong before after all.

~Back to Vermillion~

I turned to Trey with a quizzical look. He's been burning holes into the back of my skull. He noticed my gaze and shook his head. Like he was dismissing some thoughts. Hm, I'm going to look into that later. For now, I should worry about Ace and Deuce. But, I should also worry about that dream. Blot surrounding Riddle. It's a sign that I shouldn't ignore. Especially since tomorrow is the duel.

~The Next Day~

"Did you hear? Someone challenged the Prefect!"

"Prefect Rosehearts? It'll be over in a flash."

"This is the first challenge he's ever gotten! Let's go watch!"

"Acey and Deucey challenged Prefect to a duel? Why didn't you stop them?" Cater cried.
"I tried, but Prefect von Fenris was all for it. She encouraged them." Trey said with a sigh.

Crowley stepped forward. "Prefect Rosehearts, I ask that you remove the collars for a fair fight. I will be the officiant. Prefect von Fenris is here as a mediator, should things get out of hand. Now, the challenge has been accepted by Prefect Rosehearts and the challengers are Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade."

Riddle removed the collars and Ace rubbed his neck where the collar had been. "The darn thing is finally off!"
"Hmph, enjoy it while you can. You know I thought this challenge was a joke at first." Riddle hummed.
"As if we'd ever joke about this." Deuce said.
"What he said!" Ace chimed in.
"Sigh, very well. Since it's troublesome to take you on one at a time, both of you come at me." Riddle complied.
"What about afternoon tea at 4? It's already past 3:30." Cater asked.
"I've never been late before. This'll be over quickly." Riddle said, a smug tone to his voice.

"You can do it Prefect!" The Heartslabyul residents cheered. The cheers seemed fake to me. Then again, I should know, being the granddaughter of Loki, a master liar. Deuce, Ace, Grim, and I shuddered at the cheers. The headmaster held up a hand mirror.

"Now, when I shatter the hand mirror, you may begin. Ready....FIGHT!" Crowley shouted, tossing the hand mirror on the ground and causing it to shatter. Before Ace and Deuce could do anything, the collars were back on. I rubbed my temples as my head pounded. The dream kept replaying on my mind, reminding me of one thing. The one thing that I learned from my mother, but didn't believe until now.

No matter how hard you try, you will never get there in time. You can NEVER change fate.

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum