Chapter 2-5: King's Roar and Overblot

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"Eh?" Ruggie said, seeming confused.
"If Malleus is in top playing condition, then..." Leona trailed off.

"Just because your rivals are in top playing condition, you're done? Pathetic."

Everyone glanced over at me in shock. I mentally slapped myself for saying that. Leona turned to me with an angry look. "What did you say?"

My siblings looked to me with shock. I wanted to bite my tongue, but I had to say it. I let the words fall past my lips. "You heard me. I said you're pathetic. You think you can just up and leave because of this. Now I see the problem, it's your attitude. Living in the life of luxury made you forget the real world, huh? So, let me repeat this, you are PATHETIC."

Katherine and Brook were too shocked to say anything. Score. Solis found the words. "Sis, why do you have to be like this?"

I rolled my eyes. Leona was trembling out of anger. "You call me pathetic? You have everything anyone would want. So, DON'T YOU DARE LECTURE ME ABOUT THIS!!!"

Waves of sand erupted from him and I watched as everything Leona touched turned to sand. His hand wrapped around Ruggie's neck as the Savanaclaw students let out panicked screams. Grim seemed to be having a hard time breathing and Jack looked terrified. My siblings just looked annoyed. I clicked my tongue as I tried to see past the sand. "What is going on?! Everything Leona touches is turning to sand!"

I finally recognized green eyes that stared into my own. Leona was expressionless. "This is my unique magic: King's Roar. Ironic isn't it? A prince of the savanna who hates famine among all things, to be born with this ability. An ability to turn things to sand."

I heard Ruggie gasping for air. "Leona.... I... can't....."

My eyes widened as Leona laughed. "How does it feel Ruggie? You can't use your silver tongue to get out of this situation."

Riddle was terrified. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

I watched as Leona deflected the collar.

-Third Person POV-

Riddle was shocked that his collar had been repelled. Then, he remembered what Vermillion had told him when she deflected the collar.


"Don't underestimate your elders, Rosehearts." Vermillion said with a glare painting her features.

-End of Flashback-

Riddle smacked himself. Leona was older and more experienced with magic. Just like Vermillion. Jack seemed to have had enough. "Stop already! Unleash Beast!"

Jack turned into a wolf much to the surprise of the von Fenris'. He growled and leapt towards Leona, making the lion stumble. Vermillion turned to Riddle who nodded back.

-Back to Vermillion-


With that, Leona was shackled and Kyro reverted to wolf form to go get Ruggie. Jack rushed back to me, turning back to normal in the process, and Kyro dropped Ruggie off when he was closer to us. He reverted back to normal as well. Silver and Sebek went to get the students out of harm's way. Leona was furious. "A collar and a lion like me?! Jack! Where the hell did you get your hands on a banned transformation potion?!"

Jack was just as furious. "Unleash Beast! My unique magic allows me to turn into a wolf!"

"You can use your unique magic to become a dog? That's certainly unique!"

"Leona, I wanted to get into this school because I looked up to you...."

My head started pounding again as the dream returned. No, not a dream, a vision. Why was this happening? I need an escape, a way out. Then, my vision went clear. Riddle's collar had been blown away and Leona went into overblot. He roared and I felt my body go rigid. It was happening again. I turned to my siblings with a determined look. "Solis and Brooklyn, you two tend to the injured once you get out. Kyro, Luka, Balto, Katherine, I'll need your help distracting Leona so I can power my unique magic. Understand?"

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