Chapter 4-6: Plan in Action and the Information

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The day started with Jade and some of the others waking Kalim up to help him. Jamil was furious, but was given the day off. I heard all of that and went to help Floyd with the cooking. I was in charge of cutting up some things with my claws. Jamil was also furious, but tasted the food anyway. Imun gave me a bowl of water to wash my claws in. The others arrived and Naga smelled the air. "Mmm. The scent is amazing."

Jade was amused. "Seems like Floyd is in a good mood. If he wasn't, the food would smell terrible."

I shuddered as I washed my claws. My uncle sat across from me to help massage my claws and help get more grease and gunk out of them. I greatly appreciated that.


It was now time to start memorization of runes. I knew about Nordic runes, so I didn't participate. Naga was glancing at them in interest. Jamil turned to me. "Have you seen runes before?"

I pulled out a rune from my pocket as everyone examined it. Aunt Vanessa read it out loud. "Othala. The inheritance rune."

I nodded as the others examined the rune. Jamil turned to my aunt. "You know about these runes?"

"Naga has this rune as well. She and Vermillion are successors. They are expected to succeed Fenris Wolf and my fiancé."

"I see."

The rest of studying went off without a hitch. Jamil just looked annoyed.


Training time. I was just in the fountain with Naga. When training was over, I was out of the fountain and Naga was back to normal. I received word that Jamil was more ticked off. So far, so good.


Lunch was also pretty uneventful. I had overseen everything and Azul walked off to go get some tea for the residents. Jamil went with him as well and I nodded to Jade. It was go time.

-Third Person POV-

"It seems that the residents have made a 15% improvement over yesterday. I'd say that's pretty good. I heard from Prefect von Fenris that Kalim has been emotionally unstable as of late, but it appears that he's calmed down since we came here. Isn't it wonderful that he is earning back the residents' trust?" Azul asked.
"...That would be bad." Jamil muttered.
"Eh?" Azul said.
"Sorry, but I can't allow you to stay here any longer. It's time for you to head back to the bottom of the sea." Jamil said.
"Jamil, whatever is the matter? Have I offended you in some way...?" Azul asked.
"You really don't know? Even after seeing how sad I am?" Jamil hummed.
"Eh?" Azul said.

Jamil smirked. "You've looked into my eyes, idiot."

The one you see before you is your master.
Answer when spoken to, bow your head to their orders.
Snake Whisper.

"What!? ...Gugh, my head...!" Azul groaned.
"The pain won't cease as long as you struggle. Just give up and obey. Obey!" Jamil commanded.
"Grr, uugghh..." Azul groaned as he struggled less.
"Azul, who is your master?" Jamil asked.
"My master is... You, Master Jamil. Please give me your orders... My master." Azul said. Jamil started laughing as he grew crazed.
"Did you let your guard down in front of this 'mediocre wizard'? Really not a good look for the dorm head of Octanvielle, y'know. For real though... The plan I've been slowly working on all this time is gone to the wind thanks to you! Those two from Lunalupus were this close to working the residents into a frenzy to throw Kalim out! In order to take away Kalim's status as dorm head without dirtying my own hands, do you have any idea of the gymnastics I had to pull off? I'll use Azul to order the twins back to the Coral Sea... Wait, hold on. Have all the abilities you had sealed in your contracts the other day been returned to their proper owners?" Jamil asked.
"Yes..." Azul said.
"Tch, then that means I won't be using him like the genie of the lamp. Azul's 'It's a Deal' may be valuable, but keeping him brainwashed for an extended period of time would be difficult." Jamil hummed.
"But I remember everything the contracts contained." Azul said.
"What?" Jamil asked.
"All those who made deals with me, their secrets... Troubles, weaknesses, desires... I remember it all." Azul said.
"What a distasteful collection. I was right to not be friends with you. Within that distasteful collection of yours, do you have any secrets from our headmaster, Dire Crowley?" Jamil asked.
"Of course. I know secrets he would never want disclosed." Azul replied.
"Ha, hahah... Wonderful. This is wonderful! Everything is going swimmingly! You are my genie of the lamp, Azul!" Jamil said.
"Master, is it your wish to know the headmaster's secrets?" Azul asked.
"That's right. If I put pressure on the headmaster just right... I can finally be free. I'll get Kalim thrown out of school and become the dorm head!" Jamil replied. Footsteps followed his reply.
"Thank you for telling us everything." Jade said.
"!?" Jamil was surprised.

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