The Nicknames Vermillion Gives To People

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Monster at first (Grim)
Wildcard 2.0 (Ace)
Dede (Deuce)
Cate (Cater)
Cookbook and Aurum (meaning 'Gold' in Latin, because of his eyes)(Trey)
My King (Riddle)
Leo (Leona)
Hyena and Thief (Ruggie)
Lupus (Jack)
Angel and Cutie (Cheka)
Tako and Zul (Azul)
Jay (Jade)
Shark (Floyd)
Sunshine (Kalim)
Hypnos (Jamil)
Darling and Beau (meaning 'handsome' in French)(Vil)
Hunter (Rook)
Handsome and El (Epel)
My god and Otaku (Idia)
Mechanica ('Mechanical' in Latin)(Ortho)
Draco and Mediocris('Fairy' in Latin)(Malleus)
Quod Antiqui (Ancient being)(Lilia)
Argentum (Silver)
Eques (Soldier in Latin)(Sebek)
Fur Cattus (Thief Cat in Latin)(Che'nya)

There you have it. Vermillion's nicknames for people.

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