Chapter 4 (Epilogue) Pt.1: Meeting with Friends and the 5th Victim

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Note: This takes place before New Years Eve.

Grim and I went back to Lunalupus after spending time with Scarabia. The trip was really fun! Well, minus the overblot, but still! I had to say goodbye to my family and sent them home before coming back. I watched as the ghosts suddenly appeared. One chirped. "There you guys are! We were so worried when you didn't come back! We took care of the fires while you were gone."

I hummed and thanked them before feeling a rush of magic behind me. I whirled around, only to face Diasomnia's vice dorm head, Lilia Vanrouge. I nodded to him. "Ah, greetings Vice Prefect Vanrouge. I hope Prefect Draconia is well?"

Lilia jumped down and stared at me. "Greetings Prefect von Fenris. Yes, Malleus is well. He would love to hear that you asked about him."

"Good. I'm glad. What brings you here?"

"I just came here to give you a little holiday card and present from Malleus."

"That reminds me, I have a gift for him too."

The two of us exchanged the gifts before I left to go stop Grim from eating everything.

-At Diasomnia-

Lilia carried a book as he went to find Malleus. He found him in the lounge with Sebek and Silver chatting. Lilia rushed up to Malleus with a grin. Malleus finally took notice of him. "Lilia, is all well? What are you holding?"

Lilia handed the book towards Malleus while Sebek and Silver watched. "Prefect von Fenris expressed her concerns about your well being. She also gave me this present for you. It seems to be a book."

Malleus took the book from Lilia's hands and scanned the title. It was a book on Norse Mythology. He gave a hum of approval, showing that he liked the gift. It was probably changed up because sometimes a book was not always a reliable source. Silver eyed the book. "A book on Norse Mythology? Is she trying to show off her heritage?"

Lilia shook his head. Sebek sighed. "Obviously. She's still the granddaughter of Loki, but I suppose she isn't that bad if she got Malleus-sama a gift and was concerned for his wellbeing. I just hope it isn't a trap."

Malleus shook his head. Sebek was honestly worried about nothing. He opened the book and sparks suddenly flew out. They spelled out 'Merry Christmas!' before disappearing. Lilia was amazed at the magic trick. Silver was surprised. Sebek was freaking out for a few seconds. Malleus was just glad that Vermillion kept her memory of him.

-Back to Vermillion-

Presents were opened. I was going to have to go to the school store to get some things for Hummingbird. I didn't have the heart to eat her. She was too adorable. I made sure to get a little something for her to go outside. I wasn't going to keep Hummingbird locked inside the dorm. That would be cruel. It was good to get my ambrosia and nectar from my family. Also some mead. Mead was good. Grim watched as I took a swig from my nectar flask. "Have you shared with anyone?"

I hummed as I stopped to look at him. "I can't share this with my mortal friends if I don't want them to go bye bye. Ambrosia and nectar aren't meant for humans or you. If you want too, have fun dying."

"Alright then. Hummingbird wants a carrot by the way."

"Alright. Let me get one. If I come back to her dead, you're next."

Grim raised his paws in surrender as I went to go get my new fur baby a carrot. When I came back, Grim was sitting away from Hummingbird and I just hummed. At least she was still alive. I fed her the carrot and then turned to Grim. "I wonder if there will be another case."

Grim shrugged at my words. "Knowing that this school doesn't have a counselor, probably. Then again, if we don't jinx ourselves, then there may not be one."

"But, if it does happen, who do you think will help us?"

"Maybe your grandfather?"

"Possibly. It's almost night. Let's get ready to go to sleep."


I got into bed with Grim and Hummingbird cuddled up against me. Maybe, this night would be peaceful. At least, I hope. I hoped with all my might that this night would be peaceful. But, as before every disaster, fate was not on my side.


Jinxing yourself is fun and games until something bad happens. This wasn't how I wanted things to go. Not the sea of black again................ It was there. Waiting for me. A nightmare I couldn't escape from. I turned, ever so slowly, to face the person that was trapped. It was Vil Schoenheit. I felt the darkness mocking me, at least, until I was forcefully yanked from the dream by an unknown force. Either way, I was relieved. I was just very relieved to be yanked from a seemingly endless nightmare.


I woke up to both Grim and Hummingbird pawing at me. What happened? I then turned to my left. There was my grandfather. He seemed relieved. "You're awake. Thank goodness. I was worried you had shackled yourself to the nightmare."

I sat up and Hummingbird settled in my lap. I felt the sweat dripping down my forehead. "That was not an average nightmare. That was the future and you know it. The blot seemed to mock me. Another soul I can't save. Why does it show me?"

"Trickster, I'll figure something out about your dream sequence. I'll grab some tea for you in the meantime. Do you think Jasmine will be good enough?"

"Sure. Jasmine tea is fine with me."

"Alright. Stay put."

Grandfather left the room and I turned to Grim. Grim hummed. "You were sweating hard. Your entire skin started burning and your grandfather eased it while pulling you out of your dream realm. Hummingbird was going nuts and I was just worried. We all thought you were dying."

I started petting Hummingbird and hung my head. "It wasn't dying. Something was trying to consume me as well as take over me. It felt more darker and sinister than death."

Grandfather came back with the tea and I took it gratefully. I took a couple sips and yelped, feeling it burn my tongue. Grandfather and Grim chuckled while I used some magic to get rid of the sting. I forgot that tea is usually hot. Well, I guess I'm alright. I just need to get a hold of myself.

After all, not all dreams can become reality.



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