A Quick Meme

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I wanted to give you all a little meme.

Azul: The stars look so beautiful tonight.
Vermillion: They sure do.
Azul: You know what else looks beautiful?
Vermillion: What?
Azul: You.
Vermillion: ..............
Vermillion: For the last time Azul, flattery will not get you a contract.
Azul: Who said I wanted to make a deal with you?
Vermillion: Wait, that's not what you wanted?
Azul: No.
Vermillion: Then what do you want?
Hel, watching the whole thing through the crystal ball: Nine Realms she's dense.

Or maybe.....

Rook: The stars look beautiful tonight.
Vermillion: They sure do.
Rook: You know what else looks beautiful?
Vermillion: What? Wait.
Rook: Vil.
Vil, at the same time: Me.
Vermillion: Perfect.
Hel, facepalming as she watches her: My niece looks so done. I am too.

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now