Chapter 4 (Epilogue) Pt.2: When Your Grandfather is in Your House

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I should have known Grandfather would ask me if there was a place to buy things for Hummingbird. I was a tiny bit surprised when he said, "While you're at school, I can take care of little Hummingbird. Is there a store where I could get some items for her?"

I raised an eyebrow, but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, there is one on campus. It's the school store, but I think you'll be alright. It's called Sam's Mystery Shop and the owner there is interesting. His name is Sam."

"Mmm. I see. What is "Sam" like if you don't mind me asking?"

"Hmm. Like I said, an interesting fellow. A little weird, but also quirky. He seems to have just about anything you need which is very cool. He also calls me 'Little Wolf'. Can't blame him."

"Good to know."

"May I ask why?"

"So I know what waters I'm treading through. I need to make sure I keep my image."

"Grandfather, why do you do this? Everytime with this. I should've known."

"Hehe. You knew what you were getting into. Anyways, thanks for the advice."

I hummed. It had only been a day since Grandfather arrived, but he settled in nicely. Pretty sure he's going to go scare Diasomnia if my luck is running low. Wait. He's staring at me intently. I immediately made an 'X' mark with my arms and he only brushed it off. Why me?

-The Next Day-


I sighed as I watched my grandfather slither up to the duo of Eques and Draco. The shouts drew Argentum and Quod Antiqui outside. I went over and grabbed Grandfather by the neck and took him away from them with a sigh. I then faced the sky. "Why am I stuck babysitting you again?"

Grandfather was trying to wriggle out of my grasp so I let him go. He transformed to human and pouted at me. "You're no fun Trickster."

"Well, sorry that I'm now paranoid as f**k and don't have time to play."

Grandfather just shrugged and Sebek seemed cautious. Can't blame him. He then turned to me. "For what purpose did you summon your grandfather?"

I inhaled and exhaled. "I didn't summon him. Believe me, if I was the one who summoned him, he would not have done this. He summoned himself. Because of me."

Lilia eyed my grandfather with curiosity. "Praytell, what happened to you that he summoned himself to watch over you?"

I wanted to answer, but Grandfather stole my chance. "She was almost chained inside her own mind. To her, it was a never-ending nightmare. Something was trying to trap her inside her own vision."

The four went silent and I just rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Malleus turned to me next. "A vision? That is most interesting. Though I would like to hear about it, I while not pressure you. You should return to your dormitory with your grandfather."

I nodded and the two of us left. Hopefully, fate would be kinder tomorrow.

-The Next Day-

It wasn't.

It was a few days until winter break was over and yet here came my worst and somehow best nightmare.


Che'nya. Great. I turned to him with a nod. "Alchemi."

Che'nya was dressed cozy and grinned at me despite the cold. "Hey Lupa. How have nya been?"

"Well. And you?"

"Just purrfect Lupa! Did you like my gift?"

"Yes, the armbands were lovely. Did you enjoy mine?"

"Of course! Thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome Che'nya."

The two of us made small talk. After a few minutes, the front door of the Lunalupus dorm opened. "Dear, you forgot you had a rabbit. Oh? Who's this?"

I turned to my grandfather and Hummingbird lept into the snow. I sighed as I held a hand towards Che'nya. "This is Alchemi Alchemivich Pinkaa. Everyone calls him Che'nya. Che'nya, this is my grandfather, the Norse god of mischief and lies, Loki."

Che'nya bowed. "Nice to meet nya sir."

Grandfather watched Che'nya with interest. "Nice to meet you too Che'nya. May I ask why you are here when you're one of Hel's students?"

"Hel? Oh, you mean Helia-sensei. Well, I just wanted to visit my friend! We haven't seen each other in a while so I may as well bless her with my presence!"


I rolled my eyes. "Che'nya is a little weird, don't mind him. Our friendship is a curse as much as it is a blessing."

Grandfather hummed and seemed to think hard. "Well, he is interesting. Someone who can probably match your pace."

"Grandfather, no."


"Because I said so."

Grandfather rolled his eyes as I crossed my arms. It was probably interesting to Che'nya. I mean, it isn't everyday that you see a million year old being arguing with a more than two century year old godling. And the godling is winning the argument. I turned to Che'nya after hearing a click. I turned to see Che'nya with his phone out and he had aimed the phone camera at ME.

If he wanted to play games, then I could play. I levitated some snow and tossed it in his face. Laughter escaped me as I ran to go hide while Che'nya shook off the snow.

-Third Person POV-

Loki chuckled as he watched Vermillion dart off. Ah, how she seemed to remember her youth. He was grinning as Che'nya shook off the snow and rushed to go find his granddaughter. How endearing. This little gesture was saying that even though apart for a while, they still found themselves enjoying the others' time and company.

It was a bit chaotic, but it seemed like the two still wanted to toss snow at each other. By the end of the day, the two were lying in the snow and laughing. Che'nya was adoring the smile plastered on Vermillion's features. She really was beautiful. Tufts of her blueish black hair fell into her face and Vermillion noticed. She went to brush the strands of hair away, but Che'nya decided to be a gentleman. He brushed the hair out of her face for her and the female visibly flushed at the contact.

Vermillion was not well suited for when that happened. It was honestly lovely, but they didn't know each other that well. Why was this happening to her?

-Back to Vermillion-

Che'nya helped me up and I hummed when I was back on my feet. Hummingbird and Grandfather were back inside and Grim was probably enjoying some canned tuna. Che'nya gave me a peck on the cheek and pulled away grinning. "See nya around Lupa-chan~."

I was flustered. "CHE'NYA!"

Che'nya disappeared before I could strangle him. Ugh, the nerve of that mortal! I turned and walked inside to see...... a disaster. Hummingbird was the only peaceful living thing in the room, but Grandfather and Grim were arguing while playing chess. Nine Realms, why am I the one with a crazy family?

And why do I love this crazy family?

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now