Prologue Pt.1

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I carried a rabbit's limp body between my teeth as I rushed back home. My wolf form does me wonders in hunting. Soon, the familiar wood home came into view and I slowed my pace. Mother held a stopwatch in her hand and looked up with a smile gracing her lips.

"You're back. Earlier than you're siblings too. Did you enjoy hunting?"

I nodded and went to go inside. Mother complied and let me in. A familiar cedar and pine scent floated around and Father trotted towards me in wolf form. I handed over the rabbit and went to wash off the blood on my fur. Nine Realms knows I hate getting too dirty.

It was a few more minutes before my siblings returned, some with fresh kill and some with fruit. My mouth watered at seeing all the food in front of me. Kyro was the first to greet me, "Hey pack leader. I-"

"Clean up the blood. Then, talk to me."

Kyro groaned but complied. Katherine turned to me and turned to human. I gave her a nod and beckoned her over. She didn't need to get cleaned up. Katherine was bursting with joy as she bounced over to me. "So, got here before us, eh? You take your duties as eldest sister very seriously!"

I smiled at my over enthusiastic sister and sighed before replying, "Of course I take my duties as your eldest sister seriously. Otherwise, some of you would be dead."

"Brrrr. Please don't remind me."

"Too bad. But, I do have to take my role seriously and also have some fun. You know?"

"Yeah, good point."

Brooklyn or Brook as we commonly call her walked over and spoke to us, "Naga is going to be here soon. Thought you might wanna know."

I squealed in excitement at the news. Naga and I haven't seen each other in about a day, well aside from me walking her to her human school (and some of her seniors flirting with me, screw them and get them to Helheim), but I was beyond excited for my cousin to visit.

I helped prepare a snack for my 16 year old demigod cousin as the walk to our place is quite the journey. I was bursting with excitement and Solis walked up to me. "Chill out leader. This isn't the first time you've seen our cousin. If you can't chill, then please tone it down a little."

"Ah! Sorry about that, it's just that I like to dote on her. She's only going to be alive for so long until know. I'm trying my best to make sure that she lives a good life full of laughter and happiness before she leaves. You feel me?"

"Oh, so that's why you dote on her. You want to make sure that she lives life to the fullest. You also stopped her from doing dumb stuff so point for you. Remember when she brought home that awful plant?"


Naga had been 13 when her friends pushed some of the awful plant on her. She brought it here to show us and my siblings scattered into different directions. I, however, looked at the plant, looked at her, then took the plant and yeeted it into the burning fireplace, much to my siblings' joy. I then took a hold of both her shoulders and told her to point me in the direction of the people that pushed the plant to her. She showed and I told her to go home. What happened? I burned their places. No one pushes drugs on my cousin and gets away with it.

I snickered looking back on it. Her friends had rushed up to her while I was with her and had told her about the predicament. They didn't know who did it though so point for me. Naga only found out after connecting the dots and she had given me a full on lecture. I had told her why I had done so, and the next day, much to my joy, she confronted them and then cut off ties with them.

She got new friends over time and after getting my approval, her friends sometimes came over to visit us. One time, I asked one of her friends, Eleanor, if she wanted to play some pranks. As soon as she heard the word "prank," she was down. Thanks to us, there was a lot of laughter by the end of the day and her friends went home, saying that the day had been the funnest one yet.

I chuckled at those fond memories. Solis cracked a smile at that, clearly remembering those times as well. Our little stroll down memory lane was cut short by Katherine, who had went on a walk, running inside. "I saw Naga. She's on her way but she a hurry."

In a hurry? Why? Is something wrong? Then, chills crept down my spine. It was clear to me in that moment that something was definitely wrong. My fears were confirmed when the door lurched open and Naga fell down on her knees. All of us crowded around her and I took a hold of her shoulders. "Breathe Naga. What's the matter?"

Naga glanced up before grabbing my shoulders. "They're after you. You need to run NOW!"


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