Chapter 3-4: The Last Day and Plan in Action

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Time passed as my mother discussed plans with Savanaclaw. Tonight was the last night I had until time was up. I exited the mirror and stared at the dorm. Lunalupus had been my home and I wasn't going to lose it to a lying, cheating, scheming, octopus bastard. I felt similar power waves and turned to where Malleus was approaching me. "What happened to the dorm?"

Malleus seemed puzzled as I hummed. "Azul happened. I'll be enacting a plan tomorrow to get it back. Don't worry about a thing Draco."


"Do you not like it? It's your nickname."

"I don't dislike it. I was just a bit surprised."

"Understandable. I better get going. Have a good night Malleus."

"You too Enchantress."

With that, I began my trek back to Savanaclaw. I was going to get my dorm back.

-The Next Day-

I watched as Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Jack downed water breathing potions. My mother and I were waiting in our siren forms. Mother seemed anxious about getting in the water while I watched my friends. Afterwards, they walked up to us and then we all went for the portal.

-At Atlantica Museum-

Mother had distracted the guards while I swam in and grabbed the photo. When I arrived, I saw the Leech twins battling my friends. I swam over to help them while putting the photo away.

-Octanvielle, Third Person POV-

Azul heard about a commotion and went to see what the issue was. Ruggie got the key and Leona watched as he opened the safe. Leona went to help Ruggie get the contracts while they both wondered how Vermillion was doing with the twins in her way. Then again, Sirenous was the person in charge of distractions and Vermillion knew what she had been doing. They just had to have faith in her and that the plan would go smoothly.

-Back to Vermillion-

I swam over and tossed Floyd aside as Jade turned to me in surprise. Sure, sirens had tails like the merfolk, but I had two legs with a fin on each one. I growled. "Are you done harassing my friends?"

Ace seemed just as shocked by my form. Mother should be arriving soon if everything went according to the plan. Deuce was also surprised along with Jack. Grim? Not so much. Floyd just seemed annoyed. "Ah! Get out of my way!"

I swam out of the way as he lunged for me. Oh, Leona, Ruggie, hurry up over there!

-Octanvielle, Third Person POV-

Azul stepped inside his office, only to find that the safe was open and the contracts were gone. He felt around the pocket he usually kept the key in, and sighed in relief. He rushed off to go find his missing contracts.

Meanwhile, Ruggie and Leona were outside of Octanvielle with the contracts. Ruggie was looking at all of them. "So, you know the next part of the plan Leona?"

Leona nodded. He had gone over this with Sirenous. "I know Ruggie."

I am hunger, I am thirst
I am which steals your tomorrow.

"Stop right there!" Azul shouted.
"Hm?" Leona said.

Ruggie was bored by the sight. This guy had a new facade to him. Leona smirked at this. "Your demeanor is changing. Guess Sirenous was right about the safe."

Ruggie smiled as Azul grew confused. "Who is Sirenous?"

"Oh no one. Just Vermillion's mother."


"You see, you thought you played Vermillion, but Vermillion played you the second she got on her knees and started "begging." Her grandfather is the Norse god of lies and mischief. Did you forget that?"

"So, the whole thing was......"

"An act. She knew what you were planning and got out of trouble. Her sister, Katherine's, unique magic is called 'Foresight'. It allows her to see all the possible futures there are."

"Dang it! No!"

"Yes. Now......"

Kneel before me.
King's Roar!

"NOOOOO!" Azul cried as he watched the contracts dissolve into golden dust. He clutched at his chest as he stared at them hatefully. "You took away my years of work and effort!"

Leona and Ruggie watched as Azul's demeanor changed drastically. He then seemed to go crazy. "But, I still want more power. Give it to me! GIVE ME YOUR POWER!"

-Back to Vermillion-

There was a flash of light and I turned to Ace and Deuce. Their anemones were gone! Mother swam over whilst muttering colorful language. That stopped when she saw Ace and Deuce. She did a flip of joy and was clearly excited. Jade and Floyd were trying to escape but Ace was not ready for them to leave. "Hey! We just got our strength back. Play with us some more~."

Ace Trappola. I both love and hate you at the same time. Floyd seemed annoyed at Ace's remark. "You little! I'll crush you!"

Jade seemed exasperated. "Floyd, we should really ignore them. Hah, I guess it can't be helped. Let's finish them quickly."

Finish us quickly? I doubt it.


It was short and fast. With Mother helping us, we were able to win. Floyd still looked annoyed, but Jade managed to pull him away. I gestured to the group to follow them and so we did. I wondered how Leona and Ruggie were doing. Hopefully well.

-At Octanvielle-

"Your lightning powers and your athleticism! Give it to me!"

It was a nightmare back at Octanvielle. Azul was taking people's powers left and right. Leona noticed us and gestured with his head towards Azul. Mother had gone back to normal, but I kept my siren form. I watched Azul's crystal. It was becoming more blot filled by the second. Mother rushed over to Leona. "What in the Nine Realms happened here?"

The rest of us rushed over to Leona as he nodded towards Azul. "He started losing it when we destroyed his precious contracts. He went haywire and started taking power left and right."

"Ugh. It was risky, but it'll be worth it. As long as Azul realizes, I regret nothing."

I chuckled before turning back to Azul. I immediately went rigid. "Azul is about to go into Overblot!"

Everyone got into a fighting stance. We weren't going to go down without a fight.

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