Prologue Pt.3 (Final Part)

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"Mirror, what of the new student?"

"This student is affiliated with Venus rather than Mars. A curious one she is."

"The new student is a female? How did she get here?"

"Her power called her here. This is the best place to train and protect her."

"I suppose you are right. What is she?"

"She is a blueish black haired female with emerald green eyes that turn a beautiful gold Headmaster."


"Úbi sum (Where am I)?"

I pushed open the coffin whilst muttering that phrase. Latin has never failed me. My eyes snapped to a monster at my feet. What the actual heck? The monster took notice and said, "Give me those clothes!"

"Nope. Catch me first monster."

With that, I took on my wolf form and sped off with the monster following close behind. I rushed around and got a good look at my surroundings. Is this a school of sorts? I rushed into the library and turned to human. The monster sprang at me, but a hand grabbed it. "Now, now. No terrorizing new students."

The man turned to me and I smiled at the elder. "Thank you sir. I was worried about the monster."

"It is no trouble Miss. You're the first female student here. I'll explain as we go to the entrance ceremony."

"That would be lovely sir. I'm surprised to be here."

"Well then, welcome to Night Raven College Miss...?"

"Vermillion, sir."

"I am who you shall know as Headmaster Crowley. I welcome you here."

"So, how did I get here?"

"You were called by the Dark Mirror."

The two of us traded questions and remarks until we got to the door. Headmaster Crowley turned to me with a professional look."Don't cause a scene."

Then the two of us walked in. My appearance must've caused a racket because many people stared at me. No surprise. I am a female. I walked up to the supposed Dark Mirror.

'State thy name.'

"Vermillion von Fenris."

The mirror paused and observed me with interest before speaking, "I can not seem to place her in any dorm."

Hm? I wonder why. The mirror stared at me and then at the headmaster. "She is a child of Norse mythology. A godling at that. Her soul is restless and won't focus on one shape."

The headmaster seemed confused at this. "A godling? A child of Norse mythology? Explain her heritage."

"She is the daughter of a siren and a wolf. Her grandfather is Loki, the Norse god of lies and mischief. Her mother is named Sirenous. A well known healer and, as I said, a siren. Her father is the son of Loki, the invulnerable wolf known as Fenris Wolf. Since she is her father's successor and a monster/god mix, she is therefore a godling."

Everyone went silent at the mirror's proclamation. I hated this new found attention. I decided to add on to this. "Like my father, I have a wolf form. My eyes are emerald, but they flash gold in certain situations."

Silence still. The mirror face faded away, satisfied. The headmaster approached me. "We only have one empty dorm and it isn't the best. Are you alright with that?"

"Of course."


We have arrived. I took Grim and sighed before saying, "May I ask that you call me by name for right now?"

Grim seemed a little shaken about me being a godling, but then again, who isn't? Especially when my grandfather loves making a name for himself. I honestly don't like the comparison. I walked up the steps and opened the door, spotting my sack. There you are you little bugger. I surveyed the living room. "This shall be done in no time. All I need is a little magic."

I used my magic to fix the place up and loved the new look. The dark blue and gold seemed to blend well. There were no more dents or cracks or dust or cobwebs. It was brand new. Grim marveled at what I had done. This place should be-"Woah! The place got fixed up!"

I turned my head towards the new arrivals. Three ghosts. They then eyed me. One of them chose to speak. "Who are you? Did you fix this place?"

"I am Vermillion von Fenris. Also, I indeed was the one who fixed up the place. I am not living in...musty conditions. I'll need to think of a dorm name, get an insignia, name a founder, and get a dorm uniform prepared. All in due time I suppose."

"You like to think ahead eh?"

"Of course. Let's see, maybe Lunalupus? For the founder..."

"Lunalupus sounds great. Moon wolf right? For the insignia, a full moon with wolf meteor shapes on it. For the founder, how about your father, Fenris Wolf? The dorm uniform is yours to go nuts with."

"Hm not bad. Let's start planning."


"Hello how- oh my."

"Hello headmaster."

I finished with the insignia and planning the dorm uniform. Then I looked up. The headmaster was shocked, but smiled. "Gone to work have you?"

"Mhm. The new dorm name is Lunalupus. The insignia is a full moon with craters on it that form a wolf. The next thing we decided was that the dorm would be founded on the cunningness of Fenris Wolf, my father. The dorm uniform is what I'll be working on. Oh and the dorm colors are royal blue and gold."

"I like the planning done. I'll make sure to have the statue done with your help."

"I'll help in any way I can Headmaster."


Time for classes. Mr.Trein gave me instructions to wait outside until I was called in. I didn't mind the wait. I then heard the call, "You may come in now."

I pushed open the door and walked in. All eyes were on me now. Mr.Trein turned his gaze on them. "As you all know, this is our first female student so treat her with respect. No flirting with her during class or you get detention. The last thing Miss von Fenris needs is unwanted attention from you all. Now, there is an empty seat in between Mr.Trappola and Mr.Spade, so you may take your seat."

I bowed with a nod. I trotted to my seat and gave a warning glare to the student Ace. He immediately held his hands up in surrender and I rolled my eyes in turn. I glanced at Deuce who just mouthed his approval. I smiled at that. Looks like this place won't be too bad.

Child of Wolf in Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland x OC)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now