THG/PJOHOO/HP Crossover!

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Hi! I know I haven't updated in a long time but I promise I'll update soon! This is the announcement of a series I'm going to write. It's something I've never read or done before and I just created the idea because I reached 100 followers! Yay! You're all so supportive of me and it's great to have a family like this!

So basically, it's a crossover between The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson. Yep. A lot but it's the only three fandoms I've come to love. It's going to be an EMOTIONAL book and it leaves you on a nasty cliffhanger but I'm writing the second book right now so MAKE SURE TO READ IT! Please please please please please! Honestly the rest of these one shots may not make sense if you don't read it so here's the link:

PLEASE READ IT :) I promise you'll love it! It's an AU where they don't know each other yet but don't worry I'll make love happen eventually :)

It's one of the best books I've ever written in my whole life so PLEASE read it :) also because this book has very slow updates so it's best you get another book to waste your time away :)

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