The Phone Call

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Percy felt bad for Annabeth. She had to go to school because Athena thought it'd be good for her. It was also a requirement in order for Annabeth to get into college... Such a stupid rule... But he didn't like pretty much anything that had to do with school. All the whining of the students or the whispers about the latest cover-girl-to-be... Percy hated that kind of stuff. 

Annabeth was normally regarded as the good girl back at camp, but even she had to admit, it was hard keeping out of trouble in the mortal world. Now she finally understood why every year, Percy had to do something wrong. Like when she wanted to go to the movies with him but he ended up burning the gym.

She took her phone out under her desk, concealing it underneath her sweatshirt, which was bundled up in her lap. New York was so hot, someone could fry an egg on the pavement if they dared to try. There was no need for the waste of space, and carrying around a warm jacket wasn't very convenient either.

AC: Hey.

Come on, come on, come on, Percy... she thought as she stared at the screen, desperately waiting for him to see the message.

Well, he didn't. He'd get an earful for that later... Annabeth thought back to their last conversation in her previous class.


Read 11:48 AM. Typing...

PJ: Hey :)

Annabeth let out the breath she had been holding, thankful she wasn't alone in the time of suffrage.

AC: What are you doing in the studio? The directors aren't killing you, right?

PJ: Nah, I finished in the studio. I actually was just with Hephaestus discussing the ship designs and prices. I'm in Apollo's car right now. We're going out for lunch and hanging for a while. We might even go to the gym to work out.

AC: You're really into this 'no pollution' cruise line, aren't you?

PJ: Well, after hearing complaints from... 6 billion fish, I don't think I should ignore it! Any person with morals would agree! Enough about me, though. What's going on in class?

AC: You know Mrs. Haymen. She won't stop snapping at every little detail you get wrong by accident. It's like she thinks you're destined to fail or something.

PJ: At the rate her students learn, they probably are.

AC: Let's not talk about her students, let's talk about her husband! He must be deaf if they're married so he doesn't have to listen to her snapping at her poor child.

PJ: She has a son... Oh, gods dam that kid's life must be awful :(

AC: I'd adopt him but I'm only 17.

PJ: You and me both... maybe we could be parents ;)

Annabeth chuckled at his response, typing a quick answer.

AC: Save it for 5 years later, Percy. You might not have to adopt a child by then :)

PJ: Teehee ;) Bye, gotta go! Love you!

AC: Love you, too :)

"Ms. Chase!"

Annabeth's head snapped upright as she shoved her sweatshirt over the phone screen to block it from the stern Mrs. Haymen.

"Oh... Ma'am?"


She stood, facing the class.

"You were texting on your phone, am I correct?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Haymen held out her hand. "See me after class to get it back."

Annabeth resisted the urge to roundhouse kick the woman and gave her the phone, sitting down, exasperated.

"Now," Mrs. Haymen continued with the class, dangling Annabeth's phone like it was meant to taunt her.

Why did her class have to be three hours long?


So now she was sitting in her three-hour long class, wishing she was back at camp with Percy. She frowned, as she could hear a phone vibrating. Mrs. Haymen must've noticed, too, as she listened very carefully on who to bust. Suddenly, she pulled out the drawer. Annabeth's phone. Great.

"Annabeth, you know the rules. Speaker phone," Mrs. Haymen said with a smug smirk on her face.

Annabeth snatched the phone from the teacher's hands and answered the phone. Percy had been calling. Again, he'd get an earful for it later. Surprisingly, it wasn't Percy. It was Apollo.

"Annabeth!" his voice had an edge to it, causing concern to arise in Annabeth's chest.


"Okay, thank gods you picked up. I've been trying to call you for the last hour! You need to come quick."

"What? Sunny, where are you? I'm in class right now!"

"I'm at the hospital, Annabeth. Your darling boyfriend and I were working out in the gym when some careless dude was moving his heavyweights when we had clearly told him to stop swinging so we could pass. Some small child was standing there and Percy didn't want to let the small child get hurt, so he pushed the toddler out of the way and the heavyweight hit his head."

Annabeth's breath hitched. "Is he okay? Sunny, tell me right now!"

"He got knocked out, the child was crying, and the ambulance came to take us in. He has a pretty severe concussion, so I think you should come check up on him. I mean, he is your Seaweed Brain."

"Yeah, I'm coming," Annabeth said, already shoving her books in her backpack. "Where are Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Nico, Thalia, and Hazel?"

"Thalia borrowed Artemis's car and she's picking up Hazel. Jason and Piper are on their way with Nico, and Frank is here with Leo."

"Cool. Tell them I'll be there in five minutes."

Annabeth ran out of the classroom, phone in hand.



She burst into the hospital and her phone was ringing off the hook.

"What, Bella?"

"Annabeth, who got a concussion? What did this Sunny boy call him? Your boyfriend?"

"Yes, my boyfriend, Percy."

"So he's not fake..."

"No! Now, I have to make sure he's okay. Bye."

Annabeth saw Percy on a hospital bed, an icepack nested in his black hair, some bandages around his head, and a couple monitors strapped to him.

"Hey, Apollo," she sighed, looking at Percy.

"It's just a concussion," Apollo stated. "He woke up after I hung up with you and they tested him. So, yeah, it's a severe concussion and he just escaped a fractured skull."

"That's... good?" Annabeth sighed, staring at him. "Seaweed Brain..."

"Do I still drool when I sleep?" Percy slurred. Annabeth could barely understand him, but she chuckled.


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