Part 40

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The meeting was going way too slowly. The diplomats seemed disinterested in discussing any of the actual terms of the alliance anymore and seemed disgusted anytime someone brought up anything related to combat or the war. They'd figured that out when Keith had tried to ask about their weaponry and defences only to be met with grossed out glares and dirty looks. Apparently violence and confrontation were frowned upon here.

That had definitely given Keith a bad feeling but Lance was quick to move along the conversation while giving him a reassuring nudge under the table, already an unknowing natural in his role as his Red Paladin while Keith could barely keep up with the small talk and customs. Some Black Paladin he was.

They were setting up an alliance with a new Planet, this time with the added stress of it being the first time with their new official roles. Keith had been required as the Black Paladin and Allura had recommended that Lance go as both his right hand and a good diplomat. Hunk had offered to come along as well to support them both and take off some of the pressure but Pidge had convinced him to stay, saying she needed his help repairing the castle.

They'd moved from a ballroom-like room to what Keith could only describe as a meeting room. All the meeting's participants were dressed formally and were all citizens of the Planet, aside from Lance and Keith of course. Coran had insisted they wear some form of formal clothing other than their paladin armour. Keith had obviously been opposed to the idea at first but seeing Lance decked out in what seemed to be a flattering Altean equivalent to a suit decorated in flowing blue strips that hung off his shoulders and wrapped around his figure, finished of with sparkles of Keith's colour, may or may not have been what caused him to agree to dressing up.

Either way, they were now sat around a table divulging in small talk and sipping on drinks.  Keith had taken a drink after Lance had compared the taste to sangria and reminisced about how Hunk would never try it again - Hunk apparently wasn't a fan. Meanwhile the conversation had shifted to past missions and planets they'd been to, something Keith could actually talk about without sounding like some fight crazed maniac.

At some point he had become the focus of the conversation. His head blearily warned him about all the eyes watching him but some warm part of him was egging him on, encouraging him to continue and keep their eyes on him as long as possible. He was vaguely aware of Lance curling into his side, sleepily dodging his animated gestures but when he turned to admire the sleeping paladin he felt his movements becoming sluggish as his vision blurred and doubled, lulling him into darkness.

He felt cold. 

That was all that he registered at first. Slowly he became more aware of how his face was pressed against a hard metal surface and how badly his arms and legs ached. His instincts flared with the feeling of wrong and he swiftly pulled himself up, grunting when his head spun nauseatingly. He automatically moved to clutch his head only to find his arms restricted, held agonisingly tight together behind his back.

He groaned and rubbed his head back into the floor, hoping the coolness would calm the ache. Sighing, he drew himself back up into a kneeling position and scanned the room, eyes jumping around almost frantically until they came to rest on a slumped figure at the other end of the room. "Lance..? Hello?" He hated how shakily his voice came out.

The figure didn't give any indication of hearing him. Keith gulped, shifting to an easier position to move around in. As he did so, he did a brief search of himself. He had no shoes on and was still wearing the red and black Altean suit Coran had leant him. His bayard was gone and he doubted Lance had brought his since it was only supposed to be a peaceful meeting so Allura advised against it. The only positive he could think of was that he had decided against bringing his blade, at least they hadn't had they chance to take it away from him. 

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