Day 14 part 2

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"Okay. I think I've figured it out." Keith nodded from his end of the comms. "If me and Blue carry Red to this cave then we can activate our particle barriers to protect us from the pressure outside our lions." Keith smiled faintly. Lance's voice was always calming to him.

They still had a problem though.

"How will we be able to get to each other though? Our particle barriers only cover our own lions."

The pause stretched on for almost a minute, in which Keith could practically hear the gears turning in his friend's head.

"...Blue says we can use our voltron bond to... join our particle barriers? I don't know why that's the part of this I'm questioning." The Red Paladin chuckled breathily, "I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we could like.. shoot rainbows from our hands or something."

Keith leant his head back on his chair. His leg was definatly hurting now. Lance was going to kill him when he finds out he lied about his condition (and then promptly dote over him until and after he was better). His grip on the injury was only making it hurt more but atleast there was less blood this way. Hopefully he wouldn't need to take any medicine or something and the healing pods were still operational. As much as he trusted Coran, he didn't think he would be able to take an injection or if any medicine they had would even work on him given that he was part Galra.

He could barely focus on trying to get his lion back online right now with the pain. Without anything else to think about, his thoughts were all centered around his Blue Paladin and how much he longed for him to get there quicker.

Carrying the Red Lion to the cave was much easier than Lance expected it to be. They landed carefully, making sure not to damage the already weakened lion or jostle it's quiet pilot.
After setting down, Lance closed his eyes and focused, tapping into his bond with the Blue Lion, extending that into the voltron bond and altering their shared particle barriers.

He jumped down his ramp and running across into Red's lolling mouth, bubbling with concern. 

"Keith? KEITH! NOW IS NOT THE BEST TIME TO GO QUIET!" He padded into the cockpit. Keith was laid back, curling slightly into his seat, allowing his hair to spill over the back. He appeared to be sleeping.

"Keith..? Buddy?" Lance stepped around the chair and drifted around over his friend's face. It may have been Lance's imagination but he seemed paler than usual. "Keith..." The Red Paladin groaned a little in his sleep and shifted his leg, wincing as he did so. Lance's eyes wandered down to follow the movement.

He gasped. Keith had kept his armor on, probably to keep pressure on the wound. Despite his efforts, deep red blood had already seeped out, standing out strongly against the white of his armor. Breathing shakily, Lance drew his hand back to the pale face of his friend and started gently tapping against his cheek.

"...Keith?" He was too worried about the ravenette to bother correcting the shaky quietness of his voice or even how his accent was creeping in. "Keith? Please wake up."

The Korean twitched and flinched away from the more tanned hand. "Mm... Hey Lance."

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