Part fourteen

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"Hello? Back passengers? Can you hear me?" Coran called into through the Comms.
"Oh, it's so comfy up here. Extra leg-room, heated seats! Oh, man!"

Keith could practically see Lance's smirk in his head .
"Stupid Lance. Stupid shotgun." Hunk grumbled.
'Why are they so bothered, here's fine.'

"Now, these swap moons are very dangerous environments. So be on your toes. No weapons or communication devices of any kind! Also, I've brought along some disguises."

They had about an 10 minutes left of the journey and Keith was getting restless. Hunk and Pidge had moved through various conversations which Keith has given up trying to understand what they were saying through the inside jokes and tech talk.

Lance and Coran talked for a bit too but now all you could hear through the Comms was Coran's surprisingly high singing voice.

Keith turned back to Hunk and Pidge who were looking at each other mischievously.
"Oh god... What are you planning?"
Hunk looked to Pidge for permission the pressed the button on the panel beside them.

"Hey lance? Pidge and I have a request."
Pidge held a hand over her mouth to stop herself giggling.
"Hmmm what is it, my man?"

This time it was Pidge who talked, apparently she'd gotten control of her laughter, "We want you to sing for us. And before you try refuse, Hunk has a lot of memories he can use against you."

Lance sucked in a breath in mock betrayal, "Hunk! How could you?!"

Keith interest had been firmly secured when he remembered the singing from the day before. 'That was real then? And... Lance?'

(Pretend lance is singing Chloe's parts too.)

The four of them were quiet. Lance's voice was enchanting.
Keith felt oddly at peace, he almost felt like the song was addressed to him and, surprising himself, he loved it.

Of course he didn't know that, it was just a feeling.

Little did he know that after Lance was finished, he was blushing a deep shade of red.


After leaving the main group Lance began wandering the mall, unlike the rest of the team, he was searching for two things.
The scaultrite lenses and some sort of space substitute for his antidepressants. He hoped he could find something and didn't have to either make his own or ask Coran for help. Asking him for help would mean he had to explain what was wrong with him and he was fairly certain Coran would try to tell the team.

He didn't really have a destination in mind and just wondered as much as he could, hoping to find something.
Although he wasn't sure how he was supposed to be able to buy anything without any money.

He was brought out of his daze by a familiar voice.
"I just had a question."

"Fine! What do you got?"
"Have you ever come across something like this?"
Keith seemed to be talking to a shop owner. He was pretty close but had his back towards Lance so he probably couldn't see him.

"Whoa, this craftsmanship is incredible! And is this a luxite blade? The planet they mine that from hasn't existed in decafebes. Where'd you get this?"
"Someone gave it to me." Keith seemed hesitant to even answer that much, Lance started to feel guilty for listening into what was clearly something personal and began to walk away, still able to hear the store owners parts of the conversation over his mic.
"Okay, that's vague. Tell you what...

Lance had managed to get a fair bit away from Keith but still hadn't found any of the things he was looking for.

That's when he came upon a strange store that seemed to be filled to the brim of things from earth. Hope sparked in his chest.
If anywhere was selling antidepressants, this would be it.
"Can I interest you in the latest Earth fashions?"
Lance was about to reply when he heard someone else calling to him
"Lance, come on! We have to be back at the ticking clock in a half hour."
"But Pidge, wait, look at all this crazy Earth stuff this alien is selling!"
"We're supposed to be looking for the teludav lenses and you're looking in the one store we know for certain won't have- Oh, my gosh! Is that Killbot Phantasm 1? The first journey to the depths of the demon sphere? Oh! Mercury Gameflux Two! With the original power glove that gives you infinite lives if you touch the index finger to the pinky! We have to have this! How much is this?"
"1200 GAC."
"Is that a lot?"
"Well, compared to what we have, which is none, yes. It's a lot."
"We're gonna find some money. Come on! Don't sell that!"
"Don't worry. I never sell anything. Do I, Kaltenecker?"

Lance and Pidge managed to gather all the money they needed for the game console. Lance thought about telling her about his problem but didn't want to stop her from being a kid. He was also scared that she wouldn't believe him or kick him off the team for being so weak.
So he didn't. He never even left Pidge to look for the medication.

The team were back on the bridge.
Shiro had strengthened his bond with the black lion enough that they wouldn't be tracked so they had decided to set a course for the blade of Mamora's headquarters.

"I'm gonna hook up the video game Lance and I bought." Pidge decided.
"Yeah! Let's get this baby set up."
"Where can we... How do... Nooooo!"
"Hunk! HUNK! Coran! It's an emergency! If there anywhere we could plug these into?"
"Hm yes I think I have something I could use for that, may I ask why,  my boy?"
Coran stroked his mustache thoughtfully.
"We thought it would be a good way for the team to bond! You know like a game night!" Pidge had a childish playful glean in her eyes that they rarely got to see anymore.

Shiro smiled, "I think that's a good idea, Pidge.
Team we'll meet in the lounge in half an hour."
Keith groaned but Lance could tell he was suppressing a smile.
"Aw yes! Team sleepover! Oo can we play truth or dare too?"
Hunk was jumping up and down in excitement while Allura and Coran both looked confused but agreed since they counted it as team bonding.

I'm doing the sleepover next part.
I've got a few ideas I want to include so I'll need to think a bit, also I'm officially back at school now.

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