Day 6

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Allura insisted on a final meeting finalizing the plans for their upcoming raid. Lance noted that she seemed to be taking extra precautions even if it was supposed to a simple mission. She just didn't want to risk loosing anyone else.

She seemed to be slightly more cautious about what she said around Keith now but otherwise was acting her usual self.

The meeting was quick, but Lance wasn't paying much attention to it. He already did most of the planning so he didn't have to worry about missing anything. Instead he focused on calming himself down enough to show Keith what he'd found. 

That would make him happy right?

That's all you're really good for. Making other people feel better. I mean what else can you do. Most of the time you even manage to mess that up.

A tap on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts.
Keith stood behind him, peering curiously at him, his hand lingering on Lance's shoulder.

The others had already left while the Red Paladin had stayed behind as Lance had asked him to before.

Lance drew in a deep breath, smiled and began leading Keith to Blue's hangar, making small talk and light friendly banter all the way. 

That morning as they had been getting up and ready for the meeting, the Blue Paladin had decided to show his friend his.. discovery? He hadn't told him anything about it yet other than that they needed to go to Blue after the meeting.

Keith looked at Lance questioningly when they came to a stop outside Blue.

Lance was breathing deeply and slowly, mentally preparing himself for whatever was going to happen.
He turned back to face Keith, pulling him ever so slightly towards Blue's already lowered head.

"So... Blue has been... showing me some things and..." Keith breath hitched, hopeful that it could be something about Shiro but slightly unnerved at how hesitant the usually energetic Paladin was being.

"I think there's something you need to see. I- I'll explain more in a minute."

Lance linked hands with Keith, unaware of how his face heated up, while he reached his other hand to his lion.

In an instant they were submerged in darkness again. Keith looked around, panicking slightly at the new found darkness, until his eyes settled on Lance calmly standing next to him. They were both emitting their colours. Keith watched as they bled into the emptiness.

"Where are we?" Lance giggled while Keith looked shocked as his thoughts rumbled around them as if they were on speakers.
"This is the astral plain, more specially, Blue's private astral plain. Usually only Blue Paladins can come here, you're an exception though."

Lance blushed noticing that their hands were still entwined but made no move to correct them.

"Is.. this what you wanted to show me then?"

Lance shook his head, "Not quite. Blue?"

The darkness shifted to the cave they found Blue in.
A pair came in, as Keith gasped.
He ran to hug him but only fell through, Lance watched sadly. That's when Keith looked up to see the other person.
A tall Galran women.

"Is that...?"
Lance nodded, "I... think so."
Keith watched the woman intently, expression shifting from shock and happiness to anger and suspicion. He studied the knife in her hand as the two of them inspected and discussed the lion.
"Eh... Keith...? I-I think..."
Keith's head snapped back to lance as the latter's voice grew weaker and he clutched his head.

A deep protective purring echoed around them and Keith opened his eyes to find them back in the hangar.
He sighed in relief, about to thank Lance when the Cuban groaned a fell into his side.

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