Day 4

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Keith hadn't checked the time before he left but he knew he'd been in Red for about 10 hours now. Lance hadn't come to get him yet so he'd just keep searching until he was forced to come away.

He'd gone back to the site of the battle.
The space was filled with rubble and debris. It was all from one of the main Galra ship that they'd fought and it's fighters. No signs of life, no sign of Shiro.

Keith sighed. The heavy sinking feeling that he'd been dragging around since the fight only grew heavier as the hopelessness of the situation set in again.
He'd felt a similar way when  he first disappeared. He shuddered, remembering the dark thoughts that swirled around his head, with no one to relieve them or distract him.

That's one thing that was better this time.
He wasn't alone.
Lance and Hunk always seemed to be there when he needed them. Although, they tried to seem upbeat, Keith could see the fear and, especially in Lance's case, guilt in their eyes. Keith knew it wasn't any of their faults, that didn't stop it though. He didn't blame any of the others.

He blamed himself.

When Thace hadn't reported in, Kolivan had said that they should stop but Keith just had to jump in and volunteer.

The paladin growled to himself.

What was he thinking?! Was he trying to win Allura's trust back? Was he just being reckless like Lance usually said he was?

He pulled on his dark hair as angry tears started to form in his eyes.

He'd left his helmet on the controls a while ago.

Red sent comforting and protective purrs through the cockpit but it didn't help him.

He brought his legs up onto the chair and buried his face into them, still clutching desperately and his hair in an attempt to ground himself.

"Keith." Lance's gentle voice brought Keith's tear-streaked face back to focus on the monitor.

The Blue lion had caught up to them and stopped in front of Red.

Neither of them said anything for a second. Keith was still curled up tightly on his seat and Lance was looking him over. 

"Come on." Lance smiled softly at him, "We've finished the planning, for that Galra base. We need to let you know about the last few details."

Keith nodded quietly, still not saying anything. He turned Red around back towards the wormhole Allura had already set up for them.

They landed quietly in their respective hangars. Keith took his time leaving, not really wanting to talk to anyone right now.

Outside of Red, Lance was already waiting. Keith huffed, although he was slightly relieve he just felt guilty about Lance having to look after him so much.

The Cuban looked concerned, his eyes kept sweeping over Keith's face as if he was inspecting him.

Keith faintly smiled at him in a weak effort to reassure him. Lance obviously didn't believe him but fell into step next to him.
"When did you sleep?"
Keith blinked at him.
Lance looked up at him, concern once again evident in his face.
"You heard me, when was the last time you slept? And don't try to lie, you didn't even try to hide the bags under your eyes."
Keith turned his head and swallowed.
"Um the other day. I think? I've... not been sleeping well.."
Lance's expression softened.

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