Part five

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"Paladins, report to the med-bay! Number one's on his last varga!"

Keith rolled out of bed, unusually well refreshed. He yawned, arching his back and stretching his arms. A small smile stretched over his face at the thought of Shiro waking up.

After pulling his dark clothes on, he began to make his way to the med-bay.

"Am I the first here?" He asked Coran, who stood eating from a bowl of food goo next to Allura at a console.
"Hunk and Pidge stopped by a few minutes ago and left to get some food for everyone." Allura answered, not even looking up at him.
"What about Lance? He's not still asleep is he?" The idea of Lance sleeping through Shiro waking up annoyed him to say the least,
"Oh no. Number three is just on his way back from the hangers." Coran said while twirling his mustache, absentmindedly.

'Why was he there? Wasn't he the one that insisted on us getting some sleep?'

Keith was interrupted from his thoughts by Hunk, Pidge and Lance's arrival. They all looked more refreshed except Lance, who seemed about the same as before, although he had changed back into his usual clothes which now looked slightly damp.

"Oh, hey Keith! Want some breakfast?"
Hunk cheerfully asked, a large, gentle smile brightening the room.
Keith couldn't help but briefly smile back and accept the bowl he had been offered.

Their attention was once again drawn to Shiro in his pod as the heard soft whimpering and grunting.
"Is he okay?" Hunk asked, concerned.
"Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura answered, still hunched over the console.
"Looks like he's having a bad dream." Hunk stated, clearly not at all relieved by Allura's explanation.

"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards. What dream could be worse than that?" Keith answered, not taking his eyes off Shiro.

"I'm sure he's fine, Hunk. He'll come out any second now, you could ask him then if you want." Lance offered looking up at his concerned friend from his seat on the steps.

Almost as he finished saying that, a familiar beep was heard from the pod as it opened. A cold and unsteady Shiro stumbled out into Hunk's ready arms.

He lingered in the embrace, seemingly gathering his bearings.
"M-my arm. Co-ordinates. We need to find them."
"What? What do we need to find?" Keith asked, unfolding his arms to lay them at his sides.

"I remember. How I escaped. There was a galra... Ulaz. He freed my and gave me coordinates to help me find him."

————————time skip———————

"We should get out of here. We've checked it out, but now, it's time to move on." Allura urged from her place at the center of the room.

"No. There must be something more to this. I can feel it. I think we should wait." Shiro commanded.

Lance sat in his own seat towards the back of the bridge. His thoughts kept drifting back to his time spent cleaning Blue earlier.

He had talked to her about the possibility of him being Altean.

He was worried and confused. He understood that he was still the same person, nothing really had changed but he couldn't shake the feeling that if it really was true that the others might not see that way. He didn't want them to think he was a liar, although it wasn't too far from the truth. He did keep up a facade around them most of the time, and he had already lied about his childhood but Hunk knew the truth and went along with it, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

But how would it even be possible. The rest of the Alteans had died thousands of years ago. It wasn't possible.

Talking to Blue had eased his worries and had told him that she had something she had to show him later. That had peaked his curiosity and was keeping him restless. He'd currently taken to rapping quietly at his console.

His thoughts had kept wandering and his head ran through all the way it could be possible only to be interrupted by a harsh red flashing appearing across all their screens.

"There is an intruder in the castle!" Coran proclaimed, always with his dramatic flare.
"How could someone just sneak aboard the ship?" Lance wondered aloud.
"I knew coming here was a mistake! There he is. Level five." Allura angrily declared,
"Everyone, suit up!" Shiro ordered as they scrambled towards their suits.


Keith pulled his smooth armor over his black under-armor. He scrambled out the door the catch up with the others.

Lance, Shiro and Pidge had already left and begun their patrol of the fifth floor. Hunk was still pulling his armor on, Coran was in the control room watching through the cameras and Allura seemed to have joined the others on their search.

Tearing through corridoor after corridor, Keith was starting to get a little lost.

Despite all the months they'd already spent on the ship, Keith was still no closer to being able to successfully navigate throughout the whole ship. In fact he doubted he'd ever even been on this floor before now.

He'd taken to wandering blindly while listening to the others through the comms. The silence was broken by Lance, as usual.

"I got him." -lance
"Keep eyes on him, Lance. We're all headed toward you." -Shiro
Keith started toward Lance's location, which Coran had sent them, along with, much to Keith's relief, a map of the floor.
"Hold it right there!"
He could still hear Lance over the comms along with light pants from the other paladins, who, judging by the sound, must have started running as well.

"Careful, he's faster than an angry klanmuïrl! But he can jump like a sprightly globinheffer!"

'Great now Coran's commentating.'

"Coran, you're not helping!" Keith had grown slightly worried when he started hearing the shooting from Lance's end but hearing Lance's response was relieving.

"Somebody's as mad as a wet chaïper. Coming your way, Number Five!"

"I got him! I don't got him!" Pidge yelped,
"He's dragging Pidge away!"
"Come back here!", Keith could practically feel the glare he knew pidge was making right now.
More gunshots sounded but they were harder and louder than Lance's so Keith guessed Hunk must've come across him.
"Huh? Sorry!"
"Oh, Hunk failed the team, guys."
"All right, it's up to Keith now."
'Great. Just great.'
Keith looked up from his map getting into a fighting stance and activating his bayard.

"Copy that. I'm ready."

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