Part nine

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Once they got back to the castle, Hunk and Keith left the hangar to deliver the parts to Coran while Lance hung back, desperately wanting to talk to Blue.

Checking the corridors to make sure they'd left, Lance practically sprinted to Blue, sitting in front of her cross-legged.
"Oh dios, what do I do? Blue... I don't..."
Blue's calming aura enveloped him, her purrs drowning out his thoughts.

"I knew this about you from the start, cub. It changes nothing. I still have something to show you. Perhaps it will answer some of your questions."
Blue spoke calmly into his mind before leaning her head down, as if on instinct Lance reached out to stroke it only to find himself in complete darkness.

"Blue? Blue.. what's going on?" Lance realized the words weren't actually coming out of his mouth but rather from his mind. He heard them like he heard Blue's thoughts, purrs and emotions.
"This is the astral plane, my cub. Our bond is strong enough for me to take you here. Here I can show what you want to know."
"Wait does this mean I'm dead? The astral plane is to do with death right?"
"No, your body is perfectly fine and I will return your spirit to it after we're done."
"...Okay. I trust you."

Not a second after he thought it, the scene changed. They were in the castle but it looked newer, more decorated and there was sunlight streaming in through the windows instead of from the artificial lights or the screens.
They were in the dining room, the chairs were all filled. There were a few Alteans and Galrans but the rest of the races Lance didn't recognize.

One particular Altean caught Lance's interest. He was sat in between Allura's father and a tall blue alien.
"Blaytz, my original paladin." Blue supplied in response to his thoughts shifting to the blue alien.
Blaytz and the Altean seemed to be whispering to each other, giggling. It reminded Lance of whenever him and Pidge would gossip at the dinner (although he and Pidge rarely sat next eachother) or even those nerve wracking times when Pidge and Keith decide they want to prank someone.

The Altean was average height, for a human atleast, and had long blueish white hair gently cascading down his back, tied in a loose ponytail.
His face was what startled Lance the most. It was shockingly similar to his own. Smooth tanned skin, he didn't seem to be wearing any make up, unlike Lance who usually wore it to cover his freckles. His eyes seemed to be glowing with excitement in a blue that matched the markings that lay under his eyes.

"That is Amira, my second paladin."
"...I'm your third?"
Blue purred in approval as Lance felt her focus shift.

The scene changed again to show Amira and Alfor walking onto the bridge. They were both in their paladin armor now. Amira clutching the helmet in his hands. Lance thought he looked resigned, as if he was empty. Lance was quick to note the absence of the first blue paladin.
"You're not really going to fight him are you?" Amira's voice was soft and quite, he looked at Alfor like a child who expected to be scolded.
"Of course I am." Alfor responded curtly. He looked like he'd been crying. This was probably just after he'd said his goodbyes to Allura and Coran.
"You won't beat him." Amira seemed to be trying to convince him to stay.

It wasn't working.

"I need you to hide the lions and the castle while I face Zarkon. All the lions will allow you to pilot them except the Black lion, so he must stay in the castle."
Amira looked at Alfor in sadly, "I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?"
"No..... I apologise."
"What for?"
"You're my brother...but all I ever did was ignore you and put you down. I...I wish it didn't have to end like this."
Amira smiled sadly as the scene changed.

This time Lance was in the hangar, in his own body, as he sunk to floor, vaguely wondering when he had stood back up.

///time skip///

"Let's hurry up with these repairs. Zarkon could be here at any moment."
The five paladins were floating outside the ship, making repairs.
"Okay, panel's off. Now, what?" Hunk looked to his left, although he couldn't actually see either of the Alteans he was talking to.
"Very simple. Just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange." Coran chirped.
"Could you be more specific?"
"Sorry, Hunk, he means the poklones on the agroclams."
"No, that doesn't help."
"Easy, Hunk. I got this."
He understood some of the things the Alteans were saying, not all, but more than Hunk at least.
He thought this was a mixture of trying to learn some Altean in his free time and the Altean's natural ability to understand other languages quicker.
"Uh-oh. That can't be good." The console flashed red.

'Of course you'd be the one to mess it up. What did you expect you really are the most useless paladin.'

"There. Fixed."
"Well done, Pidge!" Allura sounded proud, 'she'll never sound like that talking about me.'
"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me. It's so mathematically elegant. Its fit is a 100 times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth. It's beautiful."
"It's not a sunset, Pidge." Lance tried to batt away the depreciating thoughts, covering his disappointment in snarky-ness, although he was careful to not make it too rude.
"You're right. A billion sunsets just happen every day. Some genius engineer actually built this."
"Kinda looks like a big, delicious curly fry." Hunk murmured, mouth drooling when he was hit by a squishy blue thing.
"What the? All right, we're prepared for this. Remember your rogue projectile cluster training from the Garrison. First, we need a temporary shelter." Shiro said commandingly, him and Keith already readying their shields.

Only to be hit by the blue stuff from behind.
"Wha? Oh, sorry, Shiro. I was trying to hit Keith." Lance rambled as another hit his own face.
"Like that?" Keith said holding another in his hand already, a smug, challenging smirk on his face.


"Yeah! Squishy asteroid fight!" Hunk yelled floating about a foot higher than the rest.

The four of them pelted each other while Pidge inspected the spores.
Lance managed to get the most head shots while Hunk got hit the most since he was offering himself as a shield to Lance.

"I don't think these are asteroids. Coran, I'm going to need a containment unit."

So There's more altean Lance. Most of you have probably figured out Amira's relation to lance by now. They'll also be more flashbacks and I want to look into more of the alteans abilities.

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