Part six

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"Copy that. I'm ready."
Keith activated his bayard and began running in the direction the intruder was coming from.

"Oh, this is exciting! He's got a sword. One young paladin, one seemingly indestructible foe."
'Lance was right, that isn't helping.'
Keith sported him immediately and rushes at him, missing and having to skid before turning back around and continuing the pursuit.

"Swing and a miss! Oh, another swing and a miss!" Coran narrated as keith's anger grew.
After the second miss, Keith has to skid around another corner.
"He can't touch him! He's too fast!"
Keith was now keeping pace with Pidge, who was still sliding along the floor.
After a quick nod from the her friend, Pidge firmly planted her feet on the ground forcing the intruder to slow down.

Keith raced forward, gaining on his target. He leapt at the wall using it to jump down on his opponent however his finishing strike was successfully blocked by his foes own blade.

Grunting with the effort, Keith looked over their blade, hoping to find some sort of weakness, but was (literally) disarmed when he saw the familiar marking on the blades hilt.

"He knocked his bayard out of his hands! It's on the ground!"
The sinking feeling in Lance's chest grew, causing him to speed up, hoping to be at least some use to his fighting friends.

He bumped into Hunk at the last corner, he seemed to have taken some sort of shortcut, and now the two of them hurtled towards the final turn, which they could hear their friends fighting behind.

Once they reached the turning point, he and Hunk were literally thrown off their feet by a certain mullet, pushing them to the ground.

The three of them leapt to their feet just in time to see Shiro and the intruder both ready to deal the final blow.

The atmosphere remained tense, even after the intruder yielded to their leader.
"Ulaz?" Shiro asked quietly, seemingly in disbelief. The name seemed familiar to Lance and it honestly annoyed him that he wasn't better with names.

The confusion was quickly cleared up after Allura appeared out of nowhere, apparently about to assault this guy when Shiro explains that he was the guy that saved him.

Allura insisted on chaining ulaz's hands and feet before they lead him to the living room area.
'Bit of a weird place to bring a 'prisoner' but whatever'

"I don't think this is necessary." Shiro said, his disappointed dad voice coming through.
"I will not have some quiznak-ing Galra soldier on the bridge of my ship!"

"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." Lance started to zone out after that. It wasn't that he wasn't interested or didn't think it was important.
He just couldn't suppress the negative thoughts filling his head.

You found him first. If you'd just managed to hit him, at least once, then you could've stopped him.
Your so weak.
What if he hurt one of the others because of your failure.
All you had to do was stop him, but you couldn't even do that right.
Like usual Shiro had to clean up your mess for you.

Lance shook his head, trying to clear away the thoughts. He needed to pay attention. He needs to stop messing up and being such as a burden.

"When you released me, you also mentioned that there were others working with you." Apparently Lance hadn't missed much. No one had seemed to notice the empty expression he wore and quickly corrected to a more serious focused one.

Of course they didn't. Why would they care enough to pay attention to you. Stop being so needy.

"Yes. We are called the Blade of Marmora."
"Uh, others? Are they here?" Hunk whimpered, shuddering noticeably.
Lance switched into his more jokey personality, "Hunk, can you try not to act so scared around the chained-up prisoner? It makes us seem a little lame."
"I am alone on this base."

Even your chained up prisoner wont even pay attention to you.

Lance frowned at that. Why would he care if a random prisoner payed attention to him or not.

Because your just an annoying attention seeker. I'm surprised I had to be the one to tell you that. Oh wait, that's a lie, I'm surprised the dumbest paladin needs these things explained to him.

"Coran, are you hearing this?"
Lance snapped back to reality at Allura's stern tone.
"I am picking up some kind of anomaly on the screen. I suppose it could be a cloaked base." -Coran
"Just fly straight for the center of the xanthorium cluster. You will see." -Ulaz
"You think you're going to get me to destroy our ship just because you say so?" -Allura
"We came out here to find some answers. Are we going to turn back now?" -Shiro
'We could turn back now. This honestly just feels like a bad idea.'
"You know I trust you, Shiro, but this doesn't feel right."

'Thank the lord of mullets for that. Shiro would listen to Keith, right?'

Lance smiled internally.
"And you know I hate to agree with Keith, but it's a big fat ditto for me."

"Galra could have implanted fake memories of the escape in your head."-Pidge
"Oh, come on, that would be so evil, which, of course, they are. But they'd have to come up with some molecular level storage unit, which his hand does have. But, to be linked up to memory, it would need a direct pathway to his brain, which yeah."
'Buddy, you tried but there's no getting around the fact that this just seems like a bad idea.'

"Ulaz freed me. Without him, we wouldn't be here."
"Fine. Slow and steady, Coran. Head for the xanthorium cluster."

'Are you kidding me!? Do our opinions mean nothing?'

More like your opinion means nothing. This is your fault. Shiro and Allura would have listened to the other three. You ruined it.

'That....sounds about right.'
"Well, that's something." Coran exclaimed over the comm system.
"What is it?"
"Putting it up on the screens."
"Amazing. They're folding space." Pidge's eyes shone, definitely nothing like Blumfump when he talked about his strange theories.
Thinking back on it the voice Blumfump used was probably more similar to Keith's whenever he talked about something he was interested in.

"Welcome to the Blade of Marmora Communications Base Thaldycon. Now, if you'll free me, I need to send a message to the leadership. They need to know I've made contact with Voltron." Ulaz stood, waiting patiently for someone to free him from his cuffs.
"Go with him and keep an eye on him. I'm staying here."
"Oh! Can we go?" Hunk seemed excited at the prospect of the 'space taco.' If he figured out a way to make actual space tacos Lance certainly wouldn't complain.
"I want to see how they make the space pocket!" Pidge's curiosity easily showed in her voice. She was by far one of the easiest of Lance's team members for him to read.
"You guys go ahead. I'll hang back and protect the princess."

Like you could even protect yourself.

Allura groaned but lance didn't really even feel that hurt. His small crush on the princess had faded after the reality of their situation sunk in. He'd always known she wasn't on his level in the first place so it didn't hurt to much to give up on her.

He still flirted of course but it was mainly just as a way to relieve stress and out of habit.

A bit longer than usual.
The langst is back and the kangst will appear soon too.

Btw when I was typing out the part where lance is calling himself 'an annoying attention seeker' my phone tried to correct annoying to amazing which I thought was cute.

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