Part 42

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They were granted what seemed like almost a day to themselves after the Guard had left them. A small portion of food and water had been delivered which they split between the two of them while they discussed escape plans in hushed voices.

Given that Lotor was at least giving them some level of nourishment, they could assume for now that they weren't going to die anytime soon from neglect but agreed that they should conserve their energy given how little they were being fed.

"I still remember Shiro's method for avoiding the sentries so we can use that. The main problem is still Lotor's guards since we don't have any weapons and they already had a physical advantage over us."

Lance nodded, unusually quiet and chewing his lips in a way Keith recognised as his tell for whenever he was deep in thought, "There's also the problem of getting out of this cell."

Keith hummed, bordering on frustrated. They'd been running through ideas all day(?) and kept hitting the same walls. They didn't know enough about the ship to know where to go or how to get out unnoticed. It limited their planning purely through how little they knew.

This wasn't usually a problem Keith came across. Most of his plans were usually built on someone else's or abandoned early on. He mainly relied on instinct, impulsiveness and his own talents to get himself through things and never really had to worry about others.

Because he was used to being alone. 

He was the loner after all.

He shook his head minutely, he needed to focus. If he messed up here Lance would pay and it would be his fault.

He hadn't been paying too much attention to the way Lance divided up their rations but, as he drained the last of his water, he noticed how little he remembered Lance drinking in comparison to his own supply.

He opened his mouth to voice his concerns when he was interrupted by the door to their little enclosure opened to reveal the same guard from before, flanked by two other brutish looking soldiers. They sprung to their feet - ready for a fight - but the original guard only rolled his eyes and clicked a button on his wrist.

Fire raced through their veins, their vision whited out and pain was the only thing they knew. 

When his awareness began trickling back, he groaned at the already familiar burning sensation spread across his neck underneath the collar. His throat ached as if the water he'd downed earlier was a mere hallucination. He was vaguely aware of his arms and shoulders feeling stretched and strained while his legs heavily dragged across some harsh surface.

A quiet bleeping sound echoed from above his head, followed by a soft whooshing sound and the strain on his shoulders intensifying as he was dragged forward and roughly dumped on the floor. He curled in on himself, allowing to coldness of the floor to seep into his body to cool his burning insides.

His head seemed to be playing a nagging alarm ever since he'd regained consciousness but only now did it seem to pull at his gut as well.  

A pained whine urged him to pry his eyes open and examine his surroundings. Lance had been dumped in a similar manner a meter or so away from him and was also starting to come to his senses.

Keith pushed himself up groggily and looked around. They were in a large dark room with tall walls and a large pool in the centre. The only light source was coming from the depths of the pool, basking the rest of the room in an eerie blue glow.

He rose to his feet, jumping when the door behind them snapped shut. He sprung over to it in an instant and began furiously pounding on it, ramming his body into it in desperation. His head was still foggy but his instinctive fear of this room drove him to attack to wall mercilessly, unaware of the pain he was inflicting on his own body due to how overwhelming the burning sensation still was.

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