Day 14 part 1

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After their last mission, the team had been disheartened to say the least. They hadn't managed to get any information on Shiro or any of Pidge's family at all. They hadn't even found out anything about the current state of the empire. Granted they hadn't run into any since the first one back at the start but none of them had been able to find much solace in it. Instead deciding to spend their time training, planning and searching.

At the start of their second week without their Black Paladin, they had all dragged themselves to the bridge in varying states of disarray. Their next mission was going to be focused on a satallite base orbiting an ice giant. Knowing they needed to switch up their roles to stop themselves from becoming to predictable, Blue, Green and Yellow would be the ones attacking the base and defending the castle if it got too close, while Keith would both be going in to get the info using Pidge's guidance.

Lance wasn't sure when exactly everything went wrong he just remembered they did. 

Keith had gotten the information just fine, only running into a few actual guards- none of which lived long enough to sound any alarms. It must have been when he and Red joined the fight that everything went to shit. 

Lance had been handling his own area easily- his own shooting abilities translated well into his lion- and had only had the help the others a couple of times. They mustn't have heard Allura calling them back or maybe she never did. Maybe she was just as caught up in the moment to think about leaving just yet. Keith fought ferociously, not giving a second to care for the people that took his brother away. Hunk and Pidge were weaving in and out of eachother, being the only ones beside Coran to urge the others to retreat.

They didn't listen. Or atleast Keith didn't and Lance wasn't enough to persuade him this time.

Red got hit. Keith's screams rang out on the comms as he crashed into Blue, dragging them both down to the planet's surface. Lance was tossed about his cockpit, luckily managing to grab onto the back of his chair before his back injury could be damaged anymore. 

As the turbulence ceased, the Blue Paladin felt his lion give a tired purr as she shut off leaving Lance laying on the floor clutching onto the back of his seat. He released his hold and eased himself onto his elbows, twisting his back and stretching out his muscles. Flying a gaint robot lion might be tiring but it didn't change the fact that he was still essentially sat down for what he guessed to be around an hour.

Keith had gone unnervingly silent now. It took Lance a moment to realise it wasn't just Keith that had gone quiet. The Comms must've been down. He cursed under his breath and pulled himself up.

Getting to Keith would be impossible if he couldn't get either Blue or the comms to work again. He quietly thanked whatever being that decided to make the lions be able to withstand this much pressure. 

"Probably Alteans." Lance nodded to himself, "Alteans sound good." He tapped his helmet, fiddling with the Comms buttons on it, eventually hearing an approving beep. He smiled and tried to force some positive thoughts into his head, "Hey, Keith? Buddy, you there? Keith?" His smile faded into a look of concern as the silence dragged on, "Kei-" he was cut off by a brief grunt and a groan.


"Oh Jesus Christ, Keith. Don't scare me like that." He made an exaggerated sigh of relief and smiled at the breathy chuckle it drew from his friend.

Lance dropped into his pilot chair and put his helmet on speaker beside his on the controls.

"Okay is Red online?"

Keith sighed, "No.."

The Cuban clicked his tongue and started fiddling with the controls, "Great. Neither's Blue. Um are you hurt at all? You got hit right?"

Keith hummed back, "'m fine. Just banged up my ankle.. You?"

Lance paused to replay his words in his head. He seemed honest enough, "I'm good too. Can you give me your co-ordinates, I need to figure out how far away you are."

Silence enseued, "Keith..?"

"What- Oh sorry I forgot you can't see me." Lance chuckled and shook his head when Keith co-ordinates popped up in his gauntlet. 

Luckily, he seemed to be quite close but that didn't change the pressure or temperature problem. Lance sucked in a sharp breath, "Lance? You okay?"

"Um yeah, Keith what's the lowest Red can handle?"

"What? Is this some sort of competition?"

"Keith, just answer."

"Er minus two hundred?"


"What! Lance, answer! Now!"

"Sorry.. The planet's temperature is around -220. Blue's made for colder climates. We need to get you here."

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