Part three

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"That's a turtle? But there's an actual turtle right here."

"We needed the turtle to play the wall. If your acting fails you, this holds three doses of antidote to use on the guards. It should interrupt the queen's mind-control long enough for you to escape."

"I don't think I'll be needing this. I missed 14 days of the third grade for a stomachache I never really had."
'A possibly more impressive feat would be me keeping up this happy facade up almost constantly since I first started learning English. Not like they would care anyway.'


Lance approached the guards, making sure to keep my action as carefree as possible.

"Hello, mer-guards! Isn't everything just so safe and warm here? Anyway, I'm off to my lion." Before he could react, they'd lunged forward and grabbed him.

They easily dragged him to the throne room, ignoring his cries of protest. Eventually coming to a stop and shoving him before the queen.

"I had a feeling you'd come for your vessel. Servant, take Lance to the Baku Garden." Lance turned, seeing a door open, revealing his yellow friend.


His eyes seemed distant like he couldn't really see what was going on. He drifted forward slowly towards him.
"Hey, buddy, it's me!"
He reached forward trying to latch onto him.
"Snap out of it! It's lance!"
He had already started pushing him forward. Lance quietly groaned. Nothing he was saying was getting to him.

Quickly he spun around, grabbing the pufferfish thing from him waist aiming to blow a dose into Hunks face to bring him to his senses. But as he turned around to squirt it at him, he made a grab for Lance, knocking the fish out of his hands.
"Darn it!"
The fish drifted away. Lance pushed of the sea floor propelling himself upwards, while Hunk was still fumbling around below him.
"Everyone, capture him!"
The armed mer guards seemed to be having less trouble maneuvering than Hunk and were already making their way up to him. The Blue paladin began desperately feeling around the ceiling until he noticed a 'lamp', he ripped the head off and threw it like a frisbee at the mermen.

It didn't go as planned.

It basically just floated.

The guards the tried to jump him but he dove under them, propelling himself towards the pufferfish. He grabbed it, laughing like a maniac. He didn't notice Hunk tackling him until they were hurtling through the water. He wriggled free and grabbed the fish again, suddenly feeling the pressure of someone grabbing his leg, just like HE used to.
He turned to see Hunk, who then proceeded to swing and throw him across the room. He then sped towards him at a terrifying speed and smashed him into a rocky pillar.

Once again he dropped the fish.

Lance tried to swim towards it but Hunk slammed him back into the wall.
"Hunk, please! I don't want to hurt you!"
"Must keep Queen safe and warm." He responded with a robotic voice.

Lance gulped and kicked into his suit's belt, causing him to hurtle backwards into the two guards, who were quickly catching up.

Lance heard a squeak as the pufferfish hit the floor. He dashed towards it, being tackled away again at the last moment by Hunk. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he pushed off towards the fish, this time with the jellyfish on his face being caught in Hunk's strong hands.
He felt his head being jerked backwards so he kicked his feet at the fish, managing to angle it so that it hit Hunk in the face, erupting with a cloud of the gas spreading out with a squeak.

"Whoa! Whoa! Where am I? What am I doing? Is that a jellyfish on your head?" Hunk shook his head, clearly confused.
"Hunk, you've been mind-controlled by the Queen and you're trying to kill me."
Lance says, while he grabbed his shoulders.
"Oh, really? Sorry. My bad."
"We're kind of in the middle of a battle. So, I'm going to need your help."
"Got it."

The two of them sped towards their lions but before they could get in them, they were surrounded by guards.
Before they could make a move, one of the guards was hit in the face with another pufferfish. A horn sounded and they turned to see Plaxum, Swirn and Blumfump attacking the guards.

Using the three of them as a distraction, Lance leapt forward and used his boosters to knock out one of the guards and take their spear.

"Now, who are these weirdos?" Hunk asked apprehensively.
"Those weirdos are with us."
"Come, we must hurry to your mer-cats."-Plaxum

Inside blue, Lance dashed to activate Blue's systems, "You hanging on?" He asked Plaxum, who's currently hiding in Blue's mouth.
"Yes. Let's go!"
"What's the plan?"
"We need to grab the Queen and take her to an ice prison Blumfump built, where her mind-control powers will be trapped because of the thick ice and the jellyfish."
"Okay, who's that?" Hunk- Lance had forgotten how much he missed.
"It's Plaxum, just go with it."
"There she is!"

After we grabbed the Queen, we found out it was some sort of creature in the Baku garden that was controlling everyone. Once we had beaten it we landed by the castle to talk to the queen about finding our friends.
"There is a mer-cat in our system that appears to be heading our way."
"It's the green lion."
"See, Hunk? I told you they could help us. Now, the next time I go swimming after a mermaid, I hope you won't be complaining the whole time."

"Lesson learnt. Well, I'm going to go meet up with pidge, so I'll leave lance to say his goodbyes."
"Sure, see you Hunk."
Hunk clumsily swam towards the yellow lion while Lance turned to the Queen.
"Well, I was glad I could help out. It was lovely meeting you, your highness, I hope you'll consider joining voltron to fight against the Galra."
"I would love to and I must say I'm happy I managed to meet such a rare species as your own."
"Well I wouldn't say Humans are rare, although it's true that they haven't really travelled much of space yet."
"I was talking about your Altean blood. Altean hybrids were rare even in the past when Alteans were widespread throughout the universe. I can tell you aren't completely the same species as your friend."
"Wait...and how would you know that?"
"My people have the ability to see a person's quintessence. Alteans usually have a similar amount to you, although your ears are different and you have no markings so I assumed you must be a hybrid. It's most likely how we knew you were here, although I am not completely sure about that seen as my memories have not completely returned yet."
"But you don't know for certain?"
"No. It's possible that you just an abnormally high amount of quintessence for your species. Perhaps take a DNA test of some kind when you get back to your people."
"Um yeah. I-I might try that"


keith was pacing around Shiro's pod, thinking about Shiro's 'request'.
He wanted him to lead voltron. Um... no..?
He couldn't. He wasn't nearly as strong as Shiro, he was too reckless and hotheaded, and he couldn't even get a single one of the others to follow an orders without getting frustrated and yelling. He couldn't lead voltron. End. Of. Story.

The ravenet jumped as Hunk pulled him into a hug, 'damn that guy hugs hard.'
He half expected Lance, Pidge maybe even Coran to join in on the hug as well but they all seemed preoccupied. Coran was checking Shiro's vitals and trying (and failing) to keep his equipment away from the mice. Pidge was smuggling food into a small bag thinking that no one was watching her (He hoped she wasn't thinking about leaving again) . Allura was asleep in her room, much to her own dissatisfaction, and Lance was stood by the wall, watching the floor as if it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. He had his arms crossed tightly and was chewing his lip, one of his telltale signs that's he's thinking hard about something.

He was gonna kill for some chapstick later.

Finally first Keith POV. Honestly that took way longer than I thought it would.

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