Day 2

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That night, Lance didn't sleep again.
He'd spent most of the day being snapped at by Pidge, making sure all the others ate and slept and keeping a close eye on Keith.
Not just because he was his crush though, Lance was genuinely worried about him. He knew how close he and Shiro were and the lengths Keith went to last time to find him even after he'd been declared dead.

That's why it was no surprise to Lance that, by the time he'd brought half the team their breakfast, and begun trying to bring Keith his, he found out Keith had left the castle the second Red had been repaired.

He'd already been gone a good few hours. The Blue Paladin knew Keith could take care of himself normally, but for now, he was sure Keith would stay out until he found their Black Paladin, even if it put himself in danger.
After explaining the situation to Allura, she reluctantly gave him the Red lion's current coordinates and a way to continually track him with the Blue lion.
(A/n: Allura's not being horrible about Keith she's just not realizing how far he would go.)

As he made his way to the Blue lion's hangar, he Blue and another voice began talking to him.
'Cub, you must find him. He is in pain.'
'My cub needs help. Please.'
'Yellow's cub, Paladin.'

Lance dropped the small bag of supplies he had for Keith and broke into a run towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he could hear sobbing and gasping from behind one of the counters.
Hunk was scrunched into a ball, clutching his chest with tears streaming down his face.

"Hey. Hunk, buddy. It's me, Lance." He crouched down beside him, making sure to give him space so that he wasn't overwhelmed. He reached out a hand towards him and wiped away a few of his tears and clutching his shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay. You're okay. I'm okay. We're all okay. I'm going to start counting in threes, okay? 3...6...9...12...15."
Hunk shakily joined in around 27 and eventually evened out his breathing at 66.
Hunk breathed in deeply then brought his chocolate brown eyes up to meet Lance's.
"I-I'm sorry.."
Lance's brought him into a bear hug and rubbed his back comfortingly.
"It fine. You have nothing to be sorry about. Yellow told me what was happening."
Hunk nodded against him.
"I need to go get Keith, I can get Coran or Pidge to come stay with you if you want. I really wish I could stay though."
Hunk released him and sighed.
"I'll be alright... I might go check on Pidge though." Hunk stood up shakily and brushed himself off, "Have fun with Keith."
He winked, knowingly and left for the Green hanger.

Lance made a mental note to tell Coran about Hunk's anxiety and found the bag he'd left before.

Red was a lot faster than Blue so Lance had to rely on Keith being extra thorough in his search.

After about 5 hours of flying, Lance was thoroughly bored when the Red lion popped up on his screen. Blue had the best long range sensors so Red was still a bit further ahead but it reignited his drive as he burst forward to meet his friend.

After a minute or so, he hailed the Red lion, who answered pretty quickly.
Keith looked up, looking slightly surprised.
"What? Expecting someone else,
mullet?" Lance said in a bored tone while Keith scowled.
"What do you want, Lance?"
Lance pouted for a second, was it really so surprising that he'd come after him.
"Do you know how long you've been out?"
Keith quirked up an eyebrow in annoyance, "I've been a bit busy to keep track of the time."
"Huh. Well, you've been out for coming up in ten hours now. Come on. We're going home."
Keith looked offended. "Excuse me. Since when did you think you could order me around?! In case you've forgotten, Shiro is still missing and we need to find him. We can't do that cooped out at the castle."

Lance was starting to get genuinely annoyed, just cause Keith was cute and Lance had a pretty big crush on him didn't mean he could just act like this.
"Keith. We are already missing one lion. With both of us out that's three. What do you thinks going to happen if the Galra attack while we're gone?! I didn't just spend the last 5 hours trying to find you just to fly back without you! So come on! We're going back!"

Keith seemed to be taken aback by his outburst and quietly followed along.

After another 5 hours of flying, they'd finally made it back to the castle. Without a word to any of the others, he traipsed away to his room and flopped down on his own bed after quickly doing his skincare routine and slept somewhat peacefully for a few hours.

I honestly feel like I'm dying. But yeah the writing in this one isn't a good as usual sorry.

I need you //klanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن