Part twenty-one

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Lance, Shiro and Pidge had all flown together in the Blue lion. Shiro and Pidge has talked together, occasionally Lance involved himself but was often too busy mentally talking Blue.

Thankfully Shiro hadn't lectured him at all about the joke he played on Allura before. He honestly didn't want to relive that, not only was it embarrassing and disgusting but it also just reminded him of how much they all hated him. How much fun they found in his discomfort. He tried not to dwell on those thoughts, Blue helped, until they reached the site of their mission.

They were at Beta Traz to break out a genius, Slav, that the blade had recommended to them. Pidge and Shiro were waiting in Blue's mouth waiting to be shot out by Lance.

The control panel beside him beeped.
"All right, guys, we're ready to fire."

"Be careful, you've only got one shot." Pidge's voice came floating through the comm.

"Don't worry, Pidge, I'm an excellent shot." Lance chirped back.

"You are?" 

That hurt.
Of course they doubt you. They doubt you more than you doubt yourself.

"Yes! That's my thing!"

Shooting was one of the only things he knew was good at.

"Since when?"
See. You're worthless. Useless to them.
"Just get ready."
Lance shot them out of his lions mouth and they flew towards the base, leaving the Blue Paladin to his thoughts.

They don't need you. They never have and never will. They don't even want you here.
The mice have accomplished more than you.

Lance was brought out of his thoughts when Pidge's voice came over the Comms.
"Beginning phase two of the plan. I'm blocking the sensors. Lance, you've only got four doboshes to scan the base and land your lion before they're back online."

"Copy that. Initializing sonic scan now."
Blue roared and sent out the scan.

"Sonic scan complete. Uploading the data."

"Perfect. We're right on top of your entry point. Get to my location. Hurry, you've got 60 ticks."

"On my way."
The lion docked in the prison and he made his way out, listening to Shiro through the Comms.
"Okay, phase two complete. Welcome to Beta Traz." Shiro glanced at him quickly then turned back to Pidge.
See. They don't even want to look at you. 

Lance shook his head. He was being irrational. He would get uncomfortable if they stared at him, and they had more important things to do anyway.

"I've compiled the data from the Blue Lion's sonic scan and created this map. It appears the prison is comprised of three concentric levels. Each level is showing different types of security. That's weird. The Blade of Marmora said this prison was made just for Slav, but I'm showing two cells. Who else would be held here?"

"I'm guessing a space ninja. Or maybe someone with magical powers? You know, just spit-balling here. I don't know. Let's just keep tossing out ideas."
Lance made wild gestures as he talked, hoping to make them all a little less tense, he knew being back in a Galra prison wouldn't be great for Shiro.

It didn't work. They just looked at him, disappointment written on their faces.
And then they just turned away.
That hurt but lance couldn't let it show, not now.
"Can you get a visual on the cells?"

"No, not from here. And even if I could, we don't know what Slav looks like."

"Then we're just going to have to check both."

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