Day 9

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(You're so fucking precious when you 💖smile💖)

I'm  b a c k
So turns out I didn't do a witch au (I might do that later tho) and I did some keithtober oneshots instead.
I really missed this book tbh. I also posted this book on AO3 so I went back and redid all the past chapters.

Their day had been pretty 'normal', honestly. Keith and Lance helped Hunk with some repairs and then trained a bit only for Lance to be ushered away by Coran to help with cleaning and to talk more about his new found heritage. Leaving Keith to pour over the pictures he'd managed to get out of Blue of his parents.
He made a mental note to ask Kolivan about the Blade member the next time they saw him.

At dinner, they had a strange assortment of alien dishes spread over the table- Hunk and Coran had been having a competition over who could make the best improvised meals. No one was complaining, the food was still great.

Keith had trailed in quietly with a mild headache from staring at a screen for so long and took his usual seat, surprised to find that Lance's was empty.

Almost as if he'd been summoned, the Blue Paladin bounded happily through the door followed by a slightly reluctant Pidge.
Keith smiled softly as Pidge grumpily plopped down in her usual seat and carried on with whatever she was doing on her laptop.

Hunk and Coran carried on their animated conversation with Keith chipping in every so often.
Lance stayed quiet beside him, much to Keith's disappointment but he tried to brush it off.

Silence just wasn't something he wanted right now.

Pidge returned to her room for the first time in almost 2 weeks as Hunk happily cleaned the dining room and Coran chirped to him about some sort of Altean animal they used to keep at the Castle.

Keith made his way to the Lance's room, where he hoped to find the brunette.
The door opened automatically for him. Keith stepped inside, about to greet his friend when he heard sniffling. 
His attention was drawn to one of the corners of the room.

The room was so dark he probably wouldn't have been able to see at all if it wasn't for his Galra DNA.

Lance was curled into a corner with his head pressed into his arms which were folded over his legs.

Keith tried to make as little sound as possible as he crept over to sit next to him.
Lance yelped and flinched away from him slightly. Keith buried the splash of hurt he felt when he did and tried his best to be reassuring.
"Are you okay?"
Lance's startled expression quickly changed to a calm reassuring one.
"Yep I'm fine. Why d-o you ask..."

Keith winced at the crack in his voice halfway through and tried to wash away the concern for how easily Lance could control his facial expressions. His expression hardened to a more stern one as he bit the inside of his cheek and reposition himself next to the brunette.

"Lance. I'm asking you because I care. Now tell me what's wrong." The boy's face melted to one of worry and fear, making Keith's heart clench at how hopeless he looked. 

"I- I'm sorry... I shouldn't..." 

Keith raised an eyebrow and tilted to watch Lance's expression.

"You.. shouldn't tell me? Why..?"

Lance traced the seams on his jeans, avoiding Keith's searching gaze.

"...I- I haven't... done anything. Sh-Shiro's out there and I-... I hate this! I'm just so-" His breath hitched a few stray tears leaked down his flushed cheeks. Keith hesitantly put his arm out in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. He smiled in relief when Lance leant into it but frowned again when he noticed how much Lance was shaking. He wasn't just shaking, he was sobbing, stuffing his hands over his mouth to muffle the sounds. The Korean knitted his eyebrows, pulling Lance's hand off his mouth and pulling his against his in a tight but gentle hug.

A surprised squeak came from the tanned one before he relaxed and nuzzled into Keith's chest, taking in the scent of vanilla and ground coffee. Keith kept a strong hold on him as he bit his lip, deliberating on what to say next.

"Is this why you were so quiet at dinner?"

Lance shook his head against him, "I- Pidge needed to concentrate.. I didn't want to... interrupt."

Keith's frown deepened above him. The ravenette started rubbing circles into his hair, trying to replicate how Lance did them. He began speaking again, this time softer and gentler.

"Lance, listen to me. You're not useless. You've done- Always do- so much for us. More than I   do-" Lance lifted his head at the waver in his voice, ocean eyes finally meeting violet. He was about to say some in dispute when Keith cut him off, "All I've done is mope around or endanger the team. I would probably still be out there, starving, if you hadn't forced me back. Lance...I.."

Need you. Love you?

He trailed off, leaving his words unfinished and his heart aching.

I need you //klanceWhere stories live. Discover now