Part four

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"When did you two get back?" Keith asked Lance and Hunk, he expected Lance to answer with something like 'how could you miss my beautiful face?' Or 'miss me, Mullet' but no.
Instead Hunk answered.
"A few minutes ago. We both said hi when we first came in but I guess you didn't notice 'til I hugged ya, right?"
"Hm, yeah. Sorry." He really did feel guilty now, is that why Lance seems out of it, cause he ignored him?

He shook his head, deciding to find out later.

"Hey, Coran, how much longer?"
"At least 6 varga, number four. You might as well all go rest, I'll come get you when he's on his last varga."

The four of them all looked reluctant to leave.
"I think I'll stay here-" Keith started.
"No, he's right. We don't know the next time we'll actually manage to get any sleep after this." Lance. Okay, now he was really curious about what happened to those two.

"Lance, the rest of us have stuff to do we can't-", Pidge piped up, honestly, Keith was starting to think she lived on caffeine.
"I don't like it, but- he has a point. Come on Pidge, at least get something to eat." Hunk ruffled her hair, much to her annoyance.

Pidge reluctantly agreed as Hunk basically carried her to the kitchen. Lance fidgeted for a few seconds, watching Shiro's pod.
"Come on, Mullet. I know you want to stay but it won't help at all."
He wouldn't admit it but he knew Lance was right.

"I'll sleep if you tell me what happened with you and Hunk."
"You know I'll end telling you later anyway, right?"
"I know. I meant- ..are you okay?"
He looked surprised, almost relived for a second but then it was covered by his cute smirk.
"Aww you worried bout me, Keithy?"
Keith squirmed at the nickname.
"I- wh- you just.. I don't know you seemed off before. I don't know. ...Maybe I was."
Lance cocked his head to the side,
"You was what?"
Keith honestly couldn't tell if he was feigning innocence or not.
"...worried." He muttered, Keith could feel a light blush spreading across his light features, curse his pale skin.

Lance giggled. Keith looked up at him, expecting some sort of mocking comment. Instead he was met with a warm smile. It looked far more natural on his face than his usual expression, that worried him for a tick before deciding to think about it later.

"You know, it's fine to admit you were worried. I was worried about you too, even though I know there was no reason to."
He turns towards the door and the pauses to look back at Keith expectantly.
"Well come on then, you wanted me to tell you right?"

Keith felt a small smile grace his features as he caught up with him.

Well this is new.
A whole on going conversation with non other than Keith Kogane without a single argument. It's nice.

They were walking towards their rooms. Lance knew he probably wasn't going to sleep. If anything he'd spend the next hour or so making sure everyone else was asleep then maybe listen to music and wallow in self-hate.
Or alternatively he could ask Coran for a DNA test. Maybe not. Maybe he should just talk to blue.

"-ance? Lance? You still there?"
"Hm? Oh sorry Keef?"
"You feeling okay? Are you sick?"
He reached out to feel Lance's face.
"Okay you have a bit of a temperature, do you have a headache or any other symptoms?"
"No, I rarely get sick I'm probably just overheating. It was pretty cold down there."
This seemed to peak Keith interest. He gently moved his hand down back to his side.
"Where were you? What was it like?"
"I think it might have been called Baku but I'm not sure. It was an ice planet with a water layer and then the crust started. Oh and guess the best part!"
"There were mermaids! Real life freaking mermaids! They were so cool and the colors! ¡Oh meu dios! They were gorgeous!"
"Damn I-I actually wish I got stuck with you now. That sounds so cool. Damn so mermaids are real."
He stopped causing Lance to look back at him. Keith's hair was messy from being in his helmet for so long but his eyes shone curiously.
"What? Why'd you stop?"
"Hm oh my rooms here. So... yeah."
"Oh. Well. Night then."
Lance felt an odd sinking feeling, being with Keith was fun even if it was a bit awkward at first.
"Wait- actually. Lance?"
"Do you think we could go back there at some point? ...I really want to see.."
Lance felt his lips twitch up into a small smile. "Yeah..yeah. We'll see."
And with a wave from Keith as he slipped into his room, lance noticed that the nagging empty feeling was still there but less noticeable.
"Maybe I will sleep a bit."

As the door closed, Keith made his way to his bathroom, where he slipped out of his clothes and into the shower. It felt good, he imagined this was part of the reason lance took such good care of his skin. So he could feel clean and fresh as much as possible.

Walking with lance had, truthfully, lessened some of his worries. Lance was usually the one he struggled with the most and it had turned out fine. So maybe he could handle it.
That was a lie. He knew for a fact that if he did become the black paladin because something had happened to Shiro, then he'd be too busy grieving to actually take his job. He couldn't do it.

He turned off the shower, resting his head against the tiled wall. Stepping out of the shower and over his clothes, he made his way to the draws in his room. There wasn't much in them. Just some spare clothes, although Coran and Lance were talking about having a competition of sorts to make everyone some new clothes.
The idea sent shivers down his spine. He didn't know how good either of them were at that sort of thing but if it was anything like Coran's cooking, he thought he at least had the right to be a little worried.
Slipping into a fresh T-shirt and boxers he climbed into bed. Despite all the thoughts plaguing his mind he managed to slip into a dreamless and restful sleep.

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