Part seven

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The four paladins and Ulaz were crammed into the Red lion listening to Ulaz talk about the Blade of Marmora while Keith piloted.
"This is the gravity generator that creates the space-time fold that hides the station. It was created by a reclusive genius engineer named Slav. His technology allows the Blade of Marmora to remain hidden while we work to take down the Galra Empire. Zarkon would do anything to get his hands on this technology."
"There are Galra out there that aren't loyal to Zarkon?" If Keith was right in his suspicion then he needed to atleast try to find some positives.

"We thought expanding the Galra Empire would bring stability. We learned too late, a tyrant doesn't seek stability, only power. With our members working on the inside, planning coordinated attacks with Voltron, we may finally have a chance."

The Red lion had landed at the base and the five of them were now standing in a control room of sorts.
"So, you have agents working within Zarkon's ranks?" Hunk hopefully asked.
"How do you think you got away from Zarkon in that last fight? Do you think those shields around Zarkon's command center went down on their own? We've got people risking their lives in this war, just like you."

Ulaz seemed quite defensive on the matter, which made sense given the prejudice he'd already faced from Allura.
"If you have people on the inside, can they tell me where my family is? They were taken the same time Shiro was." Pidge sounded almost desperate, sometimes Keith forgot how young she was.
It wasn't fair that she had to go through any of this. She probably had the best chance out of all of them at a normal care free life, but the war had taken that from her.

As Ulaz talked, Keith couldn't help but stare at the blade on his back. After he had finished and Pidge had been distracted by the data he provided, he decided to ask.
"What's that weapon you carry?"
Ulaz turned to look at him while he revealed the dark blade for them all the to see.
"It's a ceremonial blade that each member of our order carries."

'Great. That makes it pretty clear then.'

"Hmm, nice. Huh?"
Keith looked at the screens, surprised as they flashed in alarm.
"Oh, no! You were tracked!"
"What? Us?"
Keith looked at him anger boiling at the accusation, "If Zarkon knows we're here, it's because you ratted us out."

————time skip———————————

"Form Voltron!"
"We're exposed! The space fold has been lowered!"
"Well, there goes Ulaz." Coran tone was hard to describe but he certainly wasn't impressed.
"I knew we should never trust a Galra!"

The team felt a spark of worry and fear from one of the paladins, in the state they were in, it was hard to tell who's feelings were whose.

None of them expected it to be from the hotheaded red paladin who was silently going over the possibilities of what could happen if his theory was right.

'Would they be scared of me? Are they already scared of me? Sometimes I've seen them flinch when I yell... no... no. I don't want to mess this up.'

Shiro, sensing his teammates discomfort, decided to jump into action, "Let's light this thing up. Fire lasers!"
Pidge and Keith fired on his command both hitting their mark and feeling a wave of confidence and accomplishment drown out the worry.
The team looked through the dispersing cloud to see the robeast appearing completely unscathed.

The robeast continued to draw in the xanthorium clusters and firing at them until it eventually drew them in.

They were stuck. The beast was attempting to suck them into its mouth however they were too big so they were stuck at a standstill.
"I'll make him back off!", Keith stabbed the beast with a small knife rather than voltron's usual sword.

After realizing what he'd done, Keith sent small waves of confusion, fear and disgust into the rest of the paladins minds only to be met with more confusion from the other paladins.
Along with a small wave of affection and admiration which only confused Keith even more.

The fight only got more intense from there eventually ending with Ulaz sacrificing himself to save them.
As the reality of what had happened sunk in, Keith felt familiar feelings of regret, guilt and sorrow being reciprocated by his fellow paladins.

After talking to Shiro about Ulaz's sacrifice, Keith retreated to his room where he unwrapped his knife and just stared. Wishing that what he was seeing was somehow some sort of trick.

The knife was all he had left of his parents, other than the few belongings that were left behind in his shack. For his parents to have it would mean that they either came in contact with the galra in some way or actually were galra.

Even the possibility scared Keith.
What scared Keith possibly more than the idea of his new family rejecting was the chance that his few memories of his dad being ruined.

'I don't want to be alone again. I don't want them all to leave me. Why can't things just go my way for once? Am I cursed? Is this always going to happen to me? What if-

His thought were cut short but a playful knocking at his door. Keith scrambled to put the knife away before opening the door to reveal a smiling Lance.
His hair looked slightly messier than usual but Keith wasn't complaining.
"Um, hey Lance. Did you need something?" Keith as softly, he didn't really want to be left alone with his thoughts right now but he also wasn't in the mood to argue with Lance either, even if it was usually playful.

"Yeah, I need you, silly." Lance said with a smug grin, gently looking over his face.
"You- what?"
"Shiro's sending us on a supply run remember. Come on mullet, I thought you payed better attention than that."

Keith scowled but followed Lance down the corridor. He always seem to show up when he needed a distraction.

And the kangst begins. The klance is more subtle at the moment just give it some time.

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