Day 8

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Lance woke up to quiet whimpering and shaking beside him.
He shook himself to alertness, shooting up to see Keith curled up beside him in his usual place, desperately clawing at his blankets.
His skin was covered in large purple patches and on his head two large fluffy ears were twitching.

Lance pulled the Korean towards him and started petting his ears and hair. 'Do nightmares cause him to go Galra? But then surely he would have known sooner. Is this just a really bad nightmare? Maybe that's why he was reluctant to ask for help.'

A light rumbling noise started coming from Keith, his twitching had calmed down and he wasn't whimpering anymore. 'This is adorable. Is he purring? Dios mío, I love this boy.'
"Hey buddy," Lance whispered soothingly into Keith's messy hair, "It was just nightmare. You're awake. You're safe."
Keith relaxed a bit more into his hold, resting his head on his chest still purring slightly. Lance decided not to mention it for fear he'd find some way to stop.
"Do you want to tell me what it was about?"
Keith hesitated before speaking, softly returning Lance's embrace.
"It.. was about Shiro. Lance, what if the Galra have him? What if we never get him back? What if they- they kill him or torture him or-" At this point Keith was close to hyperventilating.

"Whoa- shh Keith. We're going to find him. Okay? You found him last time on your own in shack in the middle of the desert. Now you have Pidge and Hunk, who are both complete geniuses and the Alteans know more than any of us about the Galra and space. Plus, there's the Blades and Slav and all the other planets in the coalition. We'll find him. And when we do, sure, he might be a bit messed up but we have a whole universe of people and planets that could help us help him. It's all going to turn out alright, I promise."
Lance stopped stroking Keith's ears to bring his hand down for a pinky promise and held it out for Keith. Keith still looked a worried but a hopeful spark had returned to his now purple and yellow eyes. He nodded and shook his pinky with Lance's.

Neither of them made any move to leave the hug or free their hands and just lay there encased in warmth, snuggled up to each other, slowly drifting off to sleep.

13th October

It officially been over a week since Shiro disappeared.
Allura is getting irritated with everyone much more quickly than usual. Her and Pidge still won't come to meals. Coran had to be bring her her food today since she's avoiding everyone else. 

Pidge has been going over the data we got.
Apparently she isn't finding that much.
Nothing about prisoners, no plans either.
There was some messages some of the guards had been sending each other during their shifts (me and Pidge ship a few of them, especially guards 173 and 655- such adorable names).
They talked a bit about betting on gladiator pits, we think it would be a good idea to check there. Even if shiro isn't there we could get some good allies.
There doesn't seem to be anyone actually leading them at the moment, we need to get in touch with the Blades to confirm that though.

Hunk and Coran are doing great like usual and Keith's finally started coming to meals again.
He's been doing better sleep wise so soon I going to start letting him search in Red again.

The base we raided didn't have any living soldiers that we came across and I checked the footage from Red and Yellow earlier and most of their attacks seemed more... automatic? It was easy to predict and they didn't seem to be learning from attacks.
I'm guessing most of the bases crew probably left the base only guarded by bots. Maybe they've been withdrawn by higher ups or they've been drawn in by the power vacuole. Maybe they ran away. I don't know.

We're hopefully going to do another raid on another base soon. We should probably switch up which lions do what though otherwise we could get too predictable.

Anyway that's all I've got for today's update.
Night, Shiro.

Last time I said that lance probably wrote some sort of Jornal to help shiro get up to date (I got the idea from a post I saw about how lance probably took the pictures from the mission with the blade (s03 e01) for shiro)
Anyway the nightmare thing was pretty much all I had for this chapter so I decided to add this too to make it a bit longer.
I might add them again every so often if there are things I don't really feel like writing.

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