Day 14 part 3

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Keith was murmering quietly in his sleep. Lance leant against the makeshift bed, running his hand carefully through the ravenette's messy hair in an almost trance-like state.

Keith hadn't woken up yet but Lance really couldn't bring himself to wake him up when he already doubted how much sleep he got. That left Lance to his thoughts. For once that wasn't much of a bad thing. The gentle humm of Blue's thoughts and Keith's quiet murmering against the thrashing of the wind outside created a strangely nostalgic atmosphere. It lulled him to and from the edge of sleep as he awaited a response from Pidge or the Castle, with the soft dark hair of his sleeping friend slipping through his fingers.

Keith smiled and sighed blissfully. He was still in that perfect state between sleep and wakefullness His blankets and pillows were cool to the touch and yet still encasing him in warmth. He'd missed this. He rolled and stretched, enjoying the relieving sensation of air filling his lungs. He could feel Red purring at the back of his head metaphysically surrounding him protectively with her essensce. 

He yawned again and brought a hand up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. The blankets fell off his torso and piled around him. Keith sighed. Lance must have gotten them back to the castle already without waking him up. He tried to push down the disappointment filling him when he noticed that the brunette wasn't there. Instead he focused on the wound he had on his leg. It was already gone, as he should have expected by now, and felt as good as new.

He clambered out of bed and padded down the corridor in search of his Blue Paladin. It didn't take him too long. Lance was dashing around the training room practicing with his bayard's sniper rifle form. It was enchanting. Every shot meeting it mark almost effortlessly, leaving the Bot's bodies to fall to the floor into eachothers way but not restricting Lance at all. He weaved in and out of the artificial corpses with calculated precision as if he was predicting their falls.

Keith tipped into the training rooms door, watching pridefully while the simulator ended.

"Good morning, your heighness." Keith unfurled his arms and began tapping his way over to a startled Lance. 

"Y-You're awake? Already?" Lance looked him over carefully as Keith smirked teasingly at him.

"No comment on your heighness?" 

Lance blushed lightly, struggling to come off as cocky, "Y-yeah well, it's only natural that you should respect your superiors." Keith rolled his eyes playfully.

"Come on."

Lance tilted his head in a puppy-like manner, "Where are we going?" He fell into step beside him as Keith hummed nervously.

"Well. I was thinking..." Lance eyed him curiously as he fumbled for words, his confidence quickly fading, "Well, you always... know when to.. head back. So I was wondering... would you like to.. come with me. Please." 

Lance smiled and chuckled quietly, "Course, Samari. Your lion?" Keith seemed like he was in shock and wasn't replying as readily as before but nodded quickily. Lance's smile widened as he jogged off calling back to Keith that he was going to change first.

His heart pounded in his chest as he hurridly changed into fresh clothes. He couldn't keep the smile off his face just a minute ago at the prospect of spending more time with his crush but now tears threatened to spill from his eyes as his thoughts overwhelmed him. How could he possibly have even had the briefest inclination that Keith was trying to get a confession out. How self-centered could he get. Shouldn't it be obvious by now. He would never be interested in him and even if there was the slightest chance that he was, Lance could never deserve him.

He just wasn't good enough.

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