Day 1

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After he'd cried for a bit, Lance sat huddled against the door, enjoying deep breaths of air.
Sighing, he stood up and checked the time, it was around 1:47am. He made his way to his bathroom and washed his face carefully, he didn't want the others to waste time worrying about him.
Why would they worry about someone as worthless as you?

Lance rinsed his hands and dried his face. Back in his room, he changed into his normal clothes, pulling his jacket close around him.
The jacket had completely lost Dani's scent, now it just smelled of Lance, much to his disappointment.

He sighed again and dragged himself out of his room, back to the kitchen.
Lance didn't really need as much sleep as the others, partly because he was part Altean, but mostly just out of practice from back when he lived with his family. He also knew Keith wasn't much of a morning person, despite usually being one of the first up. It wasn't a problem in any attacks or drills since he seemed to be able to make himself completely alert at a moments notice.

Even though Lance had made him go to sleep before everyone else, he guessed he would still sleep the most. He really had exhausted himself on their mission.
He'd also probably want a while to collect himself before talking to anyone.

With that in mind, Lance entered the kitchen and made his way to the food goo machine.
He knew Hunk could make him something better but he didn't want to wake him yet. Lance put the goo in a bowl, grabbed a spoon, and headed to Shiro's room.

Lance and Coran had given him a bottle of sleeping pills. The prescription wasn't anything specifically for Shiro. Anyone could use them safely.
Lance grabbed them and a glass, which he filled up with water, and placed on a tray with the food goo and began to make his way back to Keith's room. When he turned the last corner, he had to abruptly stop to keep himself from walking into Kolivan.

The Blade leader seemed startled for a second before glancing at the tray in his hands.
Lance smiled slightly.
"Er morning, sir?"
Kolivan nodded, "I apologize if I startled you, Blue Paladin, I thought you were all resting?"
Lance tilted his head from side to side and responded, "Well, the others are asleep. Keith hasn't eaten anything all day so I'm just bringing him something for when he wakes up."

He nodded and held out his hands, Lance glanced at him questioningly.
"You will struggle to open the door without any spare hands."
Lance chuckled lightly and passed the tray to him.

They walked together in silence until they reached Keith's door.
Lance opened it quickly, taking the tray from Kolivan and, placing it on a table that extended from the wall, and leaving the room to meet the Blade outside.

Kolivan invited him to train with him to which Lance quickly obliged, he wanted to find out a bit more about the Blade.
They trained together for about an hour. Kolivan was easily a better warrior than all of them, including Keith, Shiro and Allura.

Afterwards Kolivan complimented him on his accuracy and left in search of Slav, they would be leaving soon and he wanted to make sure they had everything.

Lance took a shower in the training room and then made his way to the dining room.
Hunk was up by now and was making everyone some breakfast.
Coran was there too, no one else came to the dining room so Lance just focused
on lightening the mood for the others.

A few of the lions seemed to be quite damaged so they planned in spending the day fixing them up.
Lance nodded along to their planning, adding small bits of banter and picking the conversation up anytime they stumbled on an awkward pause or drifted off in thought.

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