Part twenty

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"So, what's the plan?", Hunk asked. Keith watched quietly from the side of the room as Lance ran to the center of the group and began to explain the plan using over the top expressions and hand gestures. He was obviously super hyper. 

They had spent the last few hours, since they had gotten back fro their trip, planning their attack on Zarkon's main ship with the blades. Hunk had fallen asleep within the first hour while Shiro, Pidge, Allura and Kolivan bounced ideas off each other. He, Lance and Coran occasionally chipped in which Pidge corrected any ideas they had from her own seat, where she was curled up on.

Keith smiled softly to himself, something about Lance's dramatic and happy nature always seemed to cheer him up.

As the Cuban babbled on, Keith stole a glance around the room. Hunk and Pidge seemed to be amused while Kolivan and Antok, the other blade member that had accompanied Kolivan, both wore unreadable expressions. 

Shiro and Allura seemed to be looking at Lance disapprovingly. 

His good mood was ruined.

Keith zoned out while they discussed what they were doing next. Usually he would pay more attention but he wasn't really in the mood for Allura's remarks or obvious glares. Besides Shiro would probably catch him up later if he missed too much.

Later, him and Hunk were in the yellow lion. They'd have a while until they got to wherever the weblum tracker was leading them since they were in the yellow lion. They were meant to collect scaultrite from a space worm. Just causal, everyday Paladin stuff. 

They had been in comfortable silence for a while until Hunk started up humming to himself.
"Hey Keith?"
Keith hummed back in acknowledgment.
Hunk looked back at him before looking back at his controls.
"What would you say yours and Lance's relationship is?"
Keith's face warmed subconsciously. 

If he had been eating anything he would have probably choked.

 He thought for a moment before answering,
"Well. I guess I found him annoying at first, but... not so much anymore. I'd say we're friends- he might even my best friend..."
Keith's chest ached and he unconsciously reached up to clutch it, frowning to himself.
"Nah ah. I'm his best friend. I'll fight yo- uhhh are- are you okay?"
Keith looked up at him startled.
"I- I don't know. My chest hurt and my heart started speeding up. Am I... having a heart attack...?"
Hunk looked panicked for a second then like something clicked in his mind he started chuckling to himself.
"Huh? Hey! What's so funny?! I could be dying!"
Hunk wiped his eyes and calmed down a bit.
"No no. You'll be fine." Hunk burst into laughter again.
"What! Then what happened?! And how can you-"
"Sshhh." Hunk held a finger to Keith's mouth in a shushing motion. "Aw looks like our emo's finally growing up." He chucked at Keith's incredulous face and carried on, "It's called feelings Keith. You," He pointed his right index finger in the Red Paladin's direction, "-have feelings for lance."

Keith froze in disbelief while Hunk burst into laughter again.
"Wha- how can you-"
Hunk cut him off again, "How about I tell you stories from when me and him were growing up. It might make your feelings a bit clearer."

Keith paused, thinking before, slowly nodding. Hunk beamed and began.

Hunk spent about ten minutes going over embarrassing moments, like the time Lance managed to walked into an automatic door and then the next time they came he was super cautious. When he managed to get through the door, like a normal person, he did a weird victory dance and proceeded to fall down the stairs.

They both laughed and Hunk dived into another story, this time about the time he managed to burn down the kitchen in the garrison.

Keith remembered the kitchen incident and how at first the staff had thought some one had planted a bomb of some sort but it had turned out to be a student. Keith didn't remember anyone ever being caught though but it didn't surprise him that it was Lance.

"I remember, back before we went to the garrison, Lance was always either studying, working or looking after his siblings. Me and Dani had to help him make dinner a lot just so we could see him."

Keith smiled. Lance did always seem to be doing something even if they didn't know what it was. Allura and Shiro usually just saw it as laziness since Lance usually wouldn't tell them what he had been doing and they already knew he hadn't been at the training deck since either Shiro or Keith was always there. So they often assumed he was lying or it was just nothing important.

"You're blushing."
"Wh- shut up."

"Why does Allura get to take a leisurely visit to the Balmera while we have to fly into the belly of a giant space worm to get scaultrite?" Hunk groaned while Keith lent against a side behind him.

"You heard Coran. Building a huge teludav isn't easy. Everyone has a job to do and this is ours."
"But I always get the worst jobs. Go to a Galra-occupied planet to get my lion. Go to a Galra-occupied Balmera to get a crystal. Go into a belly of a beast with the only Galra alien team member."

"I'm not an alien." That hurt. Keith really didn't want to think about this.

"Well, you're kind of an alien. You're way more alien than me. You're at least some alien. I'm-I'm none alien."
Keith sighed and moved towards the front of the cockpit. "Let's just concentrate on the job here."

"Yeah." Hunk looked back to Keith after a second, not even trying to change the subject, "Was-Was your mom the alien? Your grandpa? How Galra are you?"
"I don't know."
"Did the Blade of Marmora, like, teach you the secret handshake, or something?"
Keith was starting to get frustrated. "No. No one said anything."
"The Blade of Marmora... they're real tight-lipped, aren't they? I get that your society is secret, but is everything a secret?"
Keith snapped . "Okay, look, it's bad enough that Allura hates me now. Can you just lay off?"
Hunk seemed to realize Keith's discomfort and took a gentler approach, "Allura doesn't hate you. You just need to give her time to accept the fact that you're Galra, the race that destroyed her entire planet and all of her people." He frowned and blinked. "Yeah, she might hate you a little bit."
Keith sighed "Let's just watch the video Coran uploaded and stay on task. We need to find out how to collect this stuff."

So I'm not great at writing kangst, langst just feels more natural to me so it's easier. Since lance is actually my favorite they'll probably be more langst but I'll still try to do more kangst.

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