Day 3

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The next day, Keith had already left again by the time Lance woke up.

Deciding to look for him later, he went about his new routine, getting food for Allura and Pidge, helping Coran and Hunk wherever he can and training.

He'd reached level 26 when he decided to go get Keith. This time Allura was in a better mood and opened a wormhole for him instead.
Keith was also more compliant in coming back. He didn't talk much but the two of them had a few small conversations as they made their way back to the castle.

When they landed, Keith left for the training room, Lance was going to join him when he felt blue calling him back.

'Cub. I think you are ready to see some more.'

Lance looked back at the hangar doors making sure they were closed before coming to stand before his lion's lowered head.

A familiar rush of adrenaline kicked in as he entered the astral plane.
This time he wasn't alone.

Amira, the Altean from before, stood waiting for him.
"It's nice to see you again, Lance."
"Um do I- have we met before?"
Amira smiled sadly.

"When a Paladin first bonds with a lion, any previous Paladins meet you briefly as well. Although I have known you longer. Perhaps you'll remember me in a different form."

Amira's white hair darkened to a soft brown while his Altean markings vanished and his ears shrunk to resemble human ears.
A few scars littered his face and neck and he grew lightly taller.

Lance gasped in recognition.
Amira smiled and brought him into a gentle hug.

How could you not remember what your own father looked like? What's wrong with you?

"Well you haven't seen me since you were young, about four was it?, so it makes sense that you wouldn't recognize me immediately."

"Wait did you just-"
"Read your mind? In a way. In the astral plane, our thoughts are no longer private since you can't exactly speak here."

Lance smiled at him and then furrowed his brows.
"But you were alive at the same time as Allura's dad. How were you on earth?"

The darkness surrounding them shifted with what Lance assumed to be Amira's thoughts.

"When Altea fell, it was my job to hide the lions and the castle. The Blue lion I hid last, on earth. In an effort to protect it, I stayed with it in a cryopod. I programmed it to let me out if anyone got too close.
About a few deca- years before I had you, someone triggered it."

In the cave Lance and the others found the Blue lion, stood two people.
A Galra woman and a tall dark haired man.

"I didn't talk to them but I observed them for a while and learned their intentions. They planned on protecting the Blue lion from the Galra. I trusted them with it. One of them was from the Blade of Marmora so I believed Blue would be in safe hands.

After that, I joined the Galaxy Garrison as a pilot and got sent out to Cuba where I met your mother. She'd already had a few children but together we had you, Alejandro and Marco.
I didn't know anything that was going on with the Galra at the time but really I just wanted to forget about it and stay with you. Of course, I carried on working with the Garrison hoping to get some new information but you know how that turned out."

This time the scene change was one of Lance's memories.
Lance and his family stood comforting each other around a new gravestone.

Amira bit his lip.

"That Galra you saw, was it the only one?"
Something was clicking in lance's head.
Not just the woman but the man too.
They resembled a certain Red paladin. The man was even wearing Shiro's clothes, which he got from Keith's house.
"Yeah. And who's that?"
Amira smirked looking at memories of Keith. Lance blushed.

"Er it's- its nothing. Um- I need to look into something. Do you know how to get out?"
Amira looked slightly disappointed but chuckled.
"I'm kinda dead, I can't leave. I think Blue has to let you out."
Lance gave a breathy laugh in response and nodded.

Before he knew it, he was back in Blue's hangar, adrenaline pumping through him.

Unfortunately before he could do anything about his latest discovery, he had to meet with the others at the bridge.

Pidge and Allura hadn't had any luck tracking Shiro so far, but they had managed to locate a nearby Galra research base.
They were planning to infiltrate the base and see what they could find out.
They could use this as an opportunity to find out just how much damage they'd managed to do to Zarkon and his forces and, if the Galra had managed to get Shiro, to possibly find out where they were keeping him.

Throughout the meeting, Lance's focus kept wavering to his quiet friend. At any mention of his brother, his gaze would shoot up threateningly.
If Lance's suspicions were correct, then he knew who Keith's mother was, or at least what she looked like.

His attention snapped back to the meeting when Allura called sharply to him, "Lance, are you even listening?"
Lance quickly apologized and focused back on the plan they'd come up with, desperately trying to ignore the tired glares from Pidge and Allura.


Ever since Shiro disappeared, Keith had been struggling to sleep properly. The most sleep he'd gotten that whole time was the first night when Lance had comforted him and brought him to bed.

Although Keith did enjoy Lance's company and may or may not have a giant crush on said Blue Paladin, he refused to go to him for help. Out of everyone on the ship, Keith probably did trust him the most, other than Shiro of course, but he was used to handling himself by himself.

Therefore, when Keith yet again couldn't sleep that night, he opted to take Red out searching again. It would be much earlier than all the previous times and hopefully he'd be back before anyone noticed or came out after him.

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