Chapter 30 - Miss Me?

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You can still remember the day you arrived in Paris, you were so excited yet extremely terrified of what was too come.

The driver took you to this new place that you know called home. You were staying at this beautiful  townhouse, adorned with vines and prairie flowers all around the front yard. It also had this wonderful garden that went on for acres. Later on you found out that this was one of Rossi's secret summer homes.

As you were getting dropped off, you said your thank yous to the driver and got out of the car.

You took in a deep breath as you walked up to the front door and looked for the keys that Rossi handed you before you got off the jet. You finally found them and began to get the door unlocked, opened it up slowly.

The first thing you noticed was the beautiful blueberry blue couch that adorned the center of the living room, reminding you of the one you had back home. You looked around a bit more to find gorgeous antique paintings and lavishly decorated bedrooms with giant windows.

You honestly felt like you were in the middle of a French Indie film, which you weren't complaining about. After you finished up your little house tour, you decided to sit on the couch, taking in a deep breath as you tried to relax after the emotionaly draining day you have had.

Rossi made something abundantly clear , you had to be extremely careful of who you trusted here. You knew very well that Cat has connections everywhere. So, even moving half way around the world wasn't enough for you to feel safe. Rossi had given you multiple IDs and passports just in case you needed to relocate again, that honestly just made you feel like even more of a criminal.

You stood up and decided to roam through the fridge, there you found a sticky note.


I didn't know what you'd like so I bought you everything I have ever seen you eat. I hope you and the little smartie like it!

Love, Rossi

You smiled at the generosity that this man gave you, making you feel so grateful to have him in your life.

You put the sticky note back where you found it and started to rummage through the fridge, you decided to make yourself some spaghetti and meatballs, you had been craving it for a while.

From that day on, the time passed by quickly.

Suddenly the days turned into weeks and then into months. You were starting to think that you would never get to see any of your friends or family ever again, but the sad thing is that you were slowly starting to be okay with it.

At some point, you had decided that it was just you and your unborn baby. If you were going to live for something, it was for them.

You spent the rest of your days hanging out in Paris all by yourself. You had tried to make some friends at the beginning, but none of them quite stuck. You were always comparing them to the team, which was obviously a really unhealthy base for a friendship.

So, you decided to stop trying all together. You were confused as to why you were having such a hard time, you were used to being alone before you met the team. Now the lack of communication was making you want to rip your hair out.

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