Sticky Note Is My Name (3)

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I had quickly gotten dress and left goodbye on a sticky note. Rude? Yes, very. But, I had to meet the family friends. It read 1:10 pm, I was two hours and ten minutes late! I ran out the door and got into my car.

On my drive there, I tried to pick up my phone, but it wasn't where I had put it. I pulled over for a frantic search. That's when I realized I had left it at the room. Fuck! I'm totally screwed. All my secrets were in there, and I had no pass code.

It doesn't matter, I can buy a new phone. That's what money is for, to buy shit no one really needs to survive in life.

But I do! They were my secret holders. I poured everything into it. They were my trusty humans in technology form. I never trust actual humans, they always end up back stabbing you.

I banged my head against the steering wheel causing it to honk. I jump startled by the sound. I needed to calm myself down so I reached for my cocaine, and it also wasn't there. I ran my hand through my hair frustrated.

I went back onto the road and drove to their so called mansion. Compared to mine, it was little. I may sound stuck up but its the truth. I saw the rest of my cars parked nearby.

Thank god for people who work. I parked my car next to the others and ran into the mansion. I balled my hand into a fist getting ready to knock. Just when my fist almost came into contact with the door, it swung open.

Wow, creepy much.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Johnson. I'm sorry for arriving late. I had a few issues to take care of." I introduced myself while plastering on a polite grin and shook their hands. I had apologized for being late, which I rarely do, so they should be grateful.

"Please, call me Carol. This is my husband Michael." she said gesturing to her husband. We had lunch instead of brunch which was the actual plan. They introduced themselves and explained all the rules, which I mostly tuned out.

They also talked about their business and their selves. I swear, I thought I was going to throw up. I had already dreaded with business ruling my life before, I didn't want it to continue.

"So, when will I be starting school?" I questioned even though I didn't want to know. I just wanted to end the business talk. Yes, I was that desperate that I'll even ask about school.

"Tomorrow." replied Mr. Johnson. A groan escaped my lips even though I was trying to be polite.

I tuned everything out. The blabbering, the tiny noises, the world. I only thought back to my mistake. I mentally slapped myself for letting my drunk self take control. When we were done, we moved into the living room.

Their talking went on for two hours, twelve minutes, and thirty five seconds. Yes, I kept track because I couldn't wait for it to be over. Suddenly, someone opened the door and walked into the living room. It must've been their "missing" son.

I hope it wasn't the guy I had slept with. I had prayed all day in the car hoping that their son wasn't him. The possibility of it happening is rare, but you never know. The universe always end up doing something unexpected. I really hope the big guy in the sky answered my prayers, and I hope I didn't jinx it.

I stared into the familiar blue eyes. I traced back through my steps to see where I've seen it before. That's when it hit me. It was him. The guy I slept with last night. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

My expression was full of shock and embarrassment. I quickly put on my most polite face and plastered a smile, which I haven't done since I was five. I took his reached out hand and shook it. I had tried to calm the tension down. But, it only made it worse.

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