Heartbreak Is An Incurable Disease (26)

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Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a...procrastinator. The worst of its kind. I have been reading this book (Not on Wattpad) called Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I totally recommend it. Its amazing! Has so many unexpecting things. It blows your mind away. Now moving on, here goes chapter 26. 4 more chapters to go you guys.



Faye and Layla had left a few minutes after I ended my conversation with Chris. So, right now I'm staring at the clock watching the hand tick as time passes by. I'm waiting for him to come home. He says he has a surprise for me, but I'm not very enthusiastic about it. FYI, I hate surprises. You never know what to expect, but I also love them because, well they always end up good. Most times.

They doorbell rang and I rushed as fast as I could to open it. When I reached the door, the only thing I find is the door smashed into my face. I let out an 'oomph' as I stumbled back. I began to rub my forehead to ease the pain. There will definitely be a bruise by tomorrow.

"Oh shit. Alex are you okay?" Chris comes rushing to my side and places his hands on my hips. He twists my body around checking for any signs of injuries.

"I'm fine. Why would you ring the doorbell then open it on your own will if you already signaled people to come to the door and open it?" I question with a stink eye.

"You were taking too long so I thought you were somewhere else in the mansion. Like, I don't know, the bathroom." He replies never leaving his hands from my hips.

"Am I that slow? This baby is really holding me down." I sigh patting my belly. He grins widely as he moves his hands down to mine clasping them together. He brings both of them up to his face and plants kisses on the back of my hand. Then he drops them and goes in for a hug instead.

"I miss you." He mumbles at the top of my head. He plants a small kiss on my head and lets it hang there for a little before pulling back. He puts both of his hands on the sides of my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.

"I realize that you're giving me way too many kisses in little time. You missed me that much?" I question when we pull back.

"Yup." He replies popping the 'p'. His expression looked like a light bulb went off. "Oh yeah. The surprise I was talking about is...right behind me!" He says with excitement. I look behind his tall figure and find his parents walking out of the car with tons of bags. When I say tons, I mean tons. They needed four people to carry all those bags. I think I might faint.

"Hey sweetie." Carol rushes in to peck my cheek. I reply with a 'hey' below a whisper. My throat forms a lump and my mouth feels like cotton. I can tell she senses my unease because she begins to rub circles on my back while patting at the same time. "Don't worry sweetie. It's nothing bad. Just gifts."

"Thousands of gifts? I'm only having one child not fifty." I question with a raised eyebrow. Chris chuckles and shakes his head. "I really don't see whats so funny." I cross my arms over my chest and pout.

"They're all for the one child. If you have another, then you could give the spare items to them." Michael replies grunting as he carries in the load while walking up the steps. I slap Chris's arm telling him to help. He rolls his eyes and runs over to his father taking half the load. He gently places them down at the foot of the door.

"Oh, I'm being rude. Come in, like inside the mansion because we're randomly standing out here. Don't you think that's a little weird?" They chuckle in response, I think Michael busted out laughing.

"I missed you honey." He says wiping a fake tear. He straightens his back and places a palm on my back leading me inside.

"What are you guys doing back? Aren't you suppose to be away on a business trip for three months. It's only been one." I question finally realizing it.

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