My Life Is Just Perfect (10)

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Alex walks out of the door and into the hall as she staggers towards me. "Well, baby or no baby?" My anxiousness can't handle the pressure of not knowing. Half of me is excited, the other half is scared to death, I'm not ready to be a father. She looks up with a blank face, shock from the results. Oh no, that's a sign for yes.

She gulps trying to add moisture so she can say the words. "If I am pregnant, what are your emotions?" I stare at her blankly so, is that a yes?

"Uhm. I would be scared because I'm not ready and excited because we're releasing, well you're releasing a baby with our genes." She giggles at my comment. God! Why is she so tempting.

"If I'm not?" She looks scared for a second before inhaling a deep breath calming her senses.

"The same emotions." I smile back. But, she only smiles weakly at me. Another bad sign.

"Well," She takes a sharp intake of breath and releases. Wow, she's overdramatic, wait. Another bad sign. "I'm not pregnant! Well, that is for now, they couldn't tell. We only met the night before yesterday.!" She beams brightly. Her smile blinding me to the depths of the shadows seeking for darkness to hide for her magnificently beautiful and irresistable smile.

"God Alex! You took ten years off of my life." I sigh filled with relief. Thank God!

"You're welcome." She actually sounds genuine. Hurtful. She sees my expression and opens her mouth. "I'm kidding. It was a false alarm. Just food poisoning. Lord! What do they put in the cafeteria food?" She asks the retorical question while looking disgusted. I guess I would be too. I can only chuckle at her. She's way too cute for her own safety.

"Why are you smiling and looking at me that way? Is something on my face? Wait." She is deep in thought with her forehead creased and furrowed. She looks even more irresistable. "Awww, did the bad boy catch feelings for me? I'm so flattered." She pretends to faint from happiness. How did I survive without her?

You didn't survive. You were only breathing and let parties, popularity, and girls distract you. I think about my inner voice's comment and he was right. I let out a sigh realizing how lonely my life was.

"What's got your panties in a twist? You're so quiet, it's not like you." I snap my head towards Alex. Damn, she's right. She tilts her head in concern.

"Oh, I was just thinking." I rub my neck nervously. She stares at me in disbelief but she doesn't continue, only shrugs her shoulders. I let out yet another sigh. "You seem to be happy. Is it because of the results or something else?"

She stares at me blankly, then she taps her finger on her lip and lets out a tiny chuckle. "I guess its your school. The people there are awesome, they rub me in a nice way. Maybe, just maybe, I could turn back to my usual self with their help." She smiles brightly at the thought. Wow, she doesn't know how beautiful she is and how much she has changed already.

"You probably haven't noticed, but you've changed so much already, in a good way." I speak my thoughts and give her a smile back.

"How?" She raises one eyebrow and looks extremely hot. Most girls look like they have an eye infection while raising an eyebrow.

"You're smiling, laughing, crying more. When I first met you, I knew you were depressed. You hid your emotions. But, after one day at your new school, you shine like the sun." Her eyes water up at my explanation. She wipes her unshed tears away with one finger.

"Thank you. For caring for me and giving me these unecessary compliments."

"Unecessary? I only want to see your smiling face, not your crying one, its more beautiful. You deserve these compliments every single day." Her smile reaches from eye to eye. "You know, why don't we hang out?"

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