Screwed But I'm Starting New (9)

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Lily Collins as Layla Calvin



As I stalked my way towards the detention room, I heard running footsteps behind me. Even without looking, I knew it was the one and only, Christian Johnson. I smiled at the fact that he's chasing after me, something no one has ever done.

I stopped midway and his hard chest collided with my body. I felt the urge to puke. I covered my mouth and ran faster than the whole goddamn animals on earth put together. Shit! I felt so sick. Running only made it worse. When I finally reached the bathroom I barged in getting complaints from the girls fixing their makeup because I messed up the 'art of makeup'.

I ran into the closest vacant toilet I could find and spilled my insides out. Feeling a little woozy, I stumbled my way to the sink and glared at the girl in front of me so that she could hurry and fix her 'masterpiece'. I washed my mouth and face trying to clear any signs of sickness. That's when a reason to my sickness flashed.

Oh hell no! Shitty shit shit. It can't be fucking possible, I'm way to young. I'm only sixteen but I turn seventeen tomorrow, but that's not the fucking point. I ruffled my hair in frustration. God! Now I really hated myself for letting my drunk self take control. God no. Please don't be pregnant Alexandra. I constantly prayed those words as I walked out the door.

I took deep breaths and tried to assure myself. I haven't went to the doctor so there is nothing to be confirmed...yet. I shuddered at the thought of having a baby. But, a smile found its way to form on my face. The only person I didn't use protection with is...Chris. Holy shit! Our baby would look sexy as hell, but would he even want it. Damnit! I'm royally screwed, literally.

No negative thoughts about the possibility. Nothing confirmed. I repeated those words over and over again in my head. The number one person I didn't want to see was standing in front of me. Eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Alex, you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little sick. I'll go to the hospital later seeing as to how the nurse doesn't come to work today." I said through clenched teeth hiding my agitation. After I found out the truth and its true, I can't face him and tell it straight. I bet a million bucks that I'll either stutter or procrastinate, which I had a bad habit of doing, its like drugs.

"Okay." He replied with hesitation. We walked down the hall side by side, our hands brushing against each other. Electricity ran through my body everytime we made contact. God I feel like a slut for getting pregnant (not sure yet but if there are more signs I swear to god I am going to mentally kill myself. Not in reality, it'll harm the baby) before getting married.

I know that if I really am knocked up, I'll keep my baby and cherish him/her for eternity. I don't know about Chris though, I'm not sure if he is ready for the commitment. After all my thinking we arrived at the room. Chris gave me a little nudge which made me wake up from my daydreams.

As I walked in, I had another exclaim of greetings. "Alex! We missed you in here!" Of course Jared would be here, not for the pranks that is, but for having smart remarks. The greeting also came from people I didn't even recognize, but I flash a smile anyways. There's something about this school that rubs me, in a good way.

"Missed you too Jared." I give him a little peck and took a seat next to him. All of a sudden I hear Chris growl. Awww, jealous much. "You know Chris," I seemed to have caught his attention. "if you're so jealous of Jared because I gave him a peck on the cheek, all you have to do is proclaim you're undying love for me and I'll do the same." He froze at my sentence and so did I. Why did I have to make it awkward?

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