The Mistake Became Fate, and Fate Became Destiny (29)

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Okay, so I achieved my goal. 2k reads! It took a while, but I got there. Yay! As a congratulatory gift, 2 chapters in one day. The epilogue is the next chapter. Here's to an almost ending.



I snuggle deeper into the covers planting my face on Chris's back. I thrust around trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

My back hasn't stopped aching for the past few hours. I arch my back trying to release the strain I have put on it, but it doesn't work.

Chris, oblivious to my pain, snores deeply yet softly. I smile as I gaze at a somewhat innocent looking man. College for Chris and I had began a few months ago, but since it's Friday, well Saturday since it's midnight, we decided to go to one of his parent's vacation mansions.

Pain shoots through my spine and I groan. I began running my back trying to soothe it, but it wouldn't work. I flip my body away from Chris's, and it begins to die down a little.

But, it is replaced by a wet feeling oozing out between my thighs. My eyes shoot open and widens in shock. My babies were over its due date, but it is still healthy.

I spring up on the bed as fast as I could with this bloated belly of mine. I shake Chris's shoulder trying to wake him up. But, he responds by facing the other way. I nudge his shoulder one more time and he grunts.

"One more minute." He grumbles and my eyebrows twitch as I try to control my patience.

"MY FREAKING WATER BROKE CHRIS. GET YOUR ASS UP SO THAT I CAN FINALLY POP THESE TWO OUT!" I yell and he jumps up. Still in his boxers, he frantically searched for the nearest pants and shirt he could find. It didn't match, but he wasn't paying attention to the unimportant things.

Grabbing the baby bag, he rushed over to me and pulls me up as quickly yet slowly as possible.

"Come on let's go to the nearest hospital. Want me to call Faye and them?" He asks and I nod not using my voice because I was literally panting like a dog in a locked car. "Breathe baby. Breathe." He begins to inhale deeply and exhale through his mouth telling me to follow. And I do.

He rushes over to the car and shoves me in. Not literally. He runs around the car and into the drivers seat. Once he got in, he speeds to the nearest hospital.

Trying to ease the pain of my children ready to come out into life, I speed up my breathing. He runs inside the emergency room and calmly yet scared, he announce those words.

"My girlfriend is having our baby. Please help us." He speaks to the closest nurse he could find. Surprisingly, he didn't look like he was going to faint.

The nurses rushes to my side and pulls out a wheelchair for me. She places me down onto the chair gently as I breathe crazily.

They wheel me to a room and pulls me off the chair gently but with a strong grip. They, meaning the women, strip me down and pulls those hospital gowns over my head. It flows down to my knees, and they tie the strings at the back tightly, but not enough to cut off my oxygen.

They help me lie down onto the hospital bed, and my breathing gets heavier and deeper as time passes by. Chris walks in with a scrub on. He gives me his million dollar smile and I smile in response to his.

The baby kicks and I grunt as pain centers at my stomach and flows to the tip of my fingers and toes. He runs over to me and holds my hand in his smiling reassuringly. He begins to do those breathing exercises you learn in health class.

We wait for the doctor to come in and say that I'm contracted enough in order for me to give birth.

"I can't hold it any longer. It hurts!" I yell out in pain and Chris runs a towel over my sweaty forehead whispering reassuring words to me.

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