Goodbye (27)

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As the days move closer to my due date, so does graduation. But, before graduation comes exams, which I am currently taking. I stare off into the distance frustrated by the tension in the atmosphere. I didn't have Chris next to me to hold my hand and rub circles onto it assuring me.

I groan silently to myself making sure the teacher didn't hear or it'll be marked as failure. I despise tests, but I'd rather be educated and be able to support my child than be uneducated and poor because we all know you need an education in order to get a good paying job. Or, unless you're like me, just inheritance.

I glance down at my test and decide to finally start on it. With the test being under me, I had to lean in a little or slouch making kicks erupt in my stomach. Gosh, my child is so picky. I shift in my seat adjusting myself so that my child would be satisfied.

I answer all the questions in mere seconds, or minutes, maybe hours. I don't know. I'm just glad its over. Everyone packs up their stuff and heads for the door in fast and quick steps, whilst I just stumble my way over. My swollen baby bump had grown over time into a round bloated belly. Not really. It's just more round.

Chris comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist supporting me. I smile up at him appreciatively. Besides the baby daddy, Layla, Faye, my parents, Chris's parents, the whole entire school knows because my belly was strangely growing larger. It only took a little time for things to slip into place.

I've been called slut, whore, thot (that hoe over there), hoe, and other names that means the same thing. I either ignore them or send them a glare. My legacy of scaring and beating people up never vanished, so they still cower under my gazes. Ha! That's what you get.

He walks me to my next class, only for me to take another exam. He sits me down into my desk, then separate ways. This was one of those rare classes in which Chris and I aren't together.

I sigh and start on my test. This one was math, which was simpler to me. I'm sure I passed with flying colors, but I'll never know until the scores come out because the world has a funny way of twisting things in life.

My mind travels back to the time I met Chris and how I ended up living with him and vice-versa. I slam my pencil down when I'm finished and start to doze off into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to someone nudging my shoulder. My eyelids flutter open and I stare into deep blue crystal orbs. Chris. I give him a small smile and stand up from my seat, and like always, he wraps his arm around my waist helping me stand.

Not only has the size of my baby grown, but so has Chris's over protection. Every time I get up to walk he stands next to me and hugs my body close into his warmth, not saying that I'm bothered. Just his overprotective self gets me bugged.

He walks me to my locker to collect my things for home. I heave out a sigh thankful that I left the room with the most gloomy atmosphere ever. I don't understand why people get so frustrated by math, I mean its only one plus one. Maybe some division and multiplication and subtraction and equations. Like come on, who doesn't know that.

One thing that has been really bothering me though was that Chris hasn't uttered a word to me since this morning. My face scrunches up sad that we haven't talked.

"What's wrong?" I ask because there is obviously something wrong. If I know Chris like I do, he just doesn't shut the hell up when it comes to only us two. He shakes his head and forces a smile. Yeah, that's so convincing. I roll my eyes at him and stop to face him. "Seriously what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I mean I think its nothing. Just something. I don't know." He tramples over his words.

"Awesome English dude." Sarcasm. Sarcasm. Sarcasm is my superpower. I tend to use it a lot if you haven't noticed. Now its his turn to roll his eyes.

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